I posted about the Blend10 OSW ("Old School Works") in another thread somewhere.
Now Bill Hall has released the NST ("New School Technology"), and while the ball is poured by 900 Global, the core and coverstock were designed by Bill.
Here's a pic of the core:

And a description from his Facebook page:
Now that we have the approval to release some information about the Angled Core Insert (A.C.I.) let us explain the characteristics of the core design. With the unique core design of the A.C.I. the design will enhance the three major components of the bowling balls reaction of skid, hook, and roll. The design assist in creating a quicker rev going down the lane to get you through the first part of the three major components, starting with first being skid. The second phase of hook is enhanced as the friction of the lane catches up with the friction of the coverstock which allows the A.C.I. core to quicken the revolutions in the second phase of the three major components. As the third and final phase of roll comes into play the core and coverstock blend together to its maximum level to give you that strong impact into the pins but with a very controllable motion!!!
As for specs, in a 15 the ball has a 2.48 RG and a 0.048 differential.
And here's a pic of the ball:

I don't have it -- nor do I plan to get it -- but I bet this is a sweet ball. It's certainly an unusual looking core!