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Author Topic: Comparison  (Read 1275 times)


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« on: March 28, 2006, 06:49:40 PM »
Hi All,

I've posted this question on the LaneMasters site and thought I might get some more info here. First of all let me say I'm a big Visionary fan (on their test staff) and have recently been given a Track Thrash from a friend.

This ball has been plugged a few times so I couldn't say exactly what the weights are on the ball. Suffice to say that my ball driller weighed it up & drilled it with the pin under ring finger & out to the right (right hander here). Not sure where the CG is (plugged 3 times as I said). I like the reaction I get from the ball, it tend tends to go well on second shift conditions as it rolls & sets up a little earlier than my Crimson Executioner I can even use it when their is slight carrydown.

I have been given the opportunity to try some Lane Masters & Legends gear at a very good price. I was thinking I could replace the Track Thrash with something from Lane Masters/Legends. Would anyone like to hazard a guess at which ball from their line would match up with the Thrash. Vis is bringing out the immortal soon and I am hoping that it fit into that position as well, but I just cant pass up the prices I have been offerred on the LM/Legends equipment.

Thanks in advance
Dale Stewart
Visionary Test Staff
Team Bowling Balls Australia Member.
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Imagination encircles the world ~ Albert Einstein
Dale Stewart
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Re: Comparison
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2006, 08:57:07 AM »
My best guess would be either a Absolute Power or a Masterpiece.

The Trash being a particle pearl(and I never saw a lot of these around) got a lot of length for a particle pearl and a arc-y strong backend, if I recall correctly.

The Legends MP is as close to a particle pearl in ball reaction that I have seen, because the cover is so strong. With longer pins, like mine (5" pin to PAP), the ball flips very hard. With more normal pins, 4" or so, I imagine the earlier flare might control the ball a little better. I suspect the MP would have a stronger backend than you have on the Trash.

(The Absolute Power is more of a control ball than the MP and hooks a little bit less, overall, handling slightly less oil.)
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
(That includes me too, at times! )

Edited on 3/29/2006 3:08 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Comparison
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2006, 09:10:29 AM »
I have to agree with charlest on the strength of the MP (not that he needs any validation ).  I don't know how or why, but my MP is very close to my Big Kahuna.  The MP may get slightly more length than the BK but to me, they are more similar than different.  The pearl resin is very strong as charlest stated.  As we are approaching the end of the season, one of the houses that I bowl in (AMF synthetics) must have used up all of the budget for their oil allocation as the lanes have been much drier the last 2 weeks than they have been all year (maybe has to do with the weather getting warmer).  Where I used to be able to use the BK all night with the normal adjustments, I find that after practice and about 3 frames into the first game, the BK is laboring to take out the corner (10).  The MP has been getting a lot of use the last 2 weeks and I am finding that even it is burning up in the heads/mids and leaving corners (10s on pocket hits and 7s on light swishers).  I am going to try my Kong next week to see if that may work better.

As an fyi, they are not totally dry because in frustration I tried my Desert Heat and that was completely over/under.