I saw those balls on the Bowlersparadise.com website and was also puzzled as to who made them and what the specs were.
Is this a start-up company? They are pretty pricey relative to proven pieces of high-end equipment from other established manufacturers. Seems like they would want to entice bowlers to try their product by offering it at an introductory price. I mean, why spend $150 or so (undrilled) on one of those balls when you could get a high end ball from any of the biggies for the same price or less. Maybe not a Lane #1 ball, but they are also very well established and can charge more due to their reputation and bowler loyalty.
Seems like a pretty gutsy move by the Elite folks. Best of luck to them.
You weren't unlucky when you left that corner pin, so shut up about it already!!

Edited on 10/18/2004 5:40 PM