I suppose I have been boycotting Elite all along because there's no way I would buy their product at that price without more information, which for the longest time wasn't available (and to some extent still isn't). I think it's really bad business to introduce a new product at a premium price with no supporting information to substantiate it's worth,
ESPECIALLY when there's no shortage of very well-known premium products from competitors.
In other words, why would anybody pay more for an Elite than for the tried-and-true, well-known top products from Storm, Brunswick, Ebonite, RotoGrip, Track, etc.?
I'm not saying that it's bad to introduce a new product, but Elite should've released those balls for a bargain price so that more bowlers would be inclined to try them out to get word of mouth generated. The buzz will sell more bowling balls. And they also should've released more data about the balls themselves.
Of course, now that it's now known that the balls are basically mid-priced balls for a premium price is even worse for Elite's reputation.
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