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Author Topic: HOLE POUNDER REVIEW  (Read 1721 times)


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« on: November 01, 2006, 02:59:35 PM »
I wanted to give my feedback on the New Hole Pounder Pearl by Banger. I just had it drilled up yesterday. I do not know much about drilling but I had the ball drilled to go down the lane and then hook because thats what the ball said it does best. I told my ball driller what I wanted and he put the pin right above my fingers. I average 195 in my league and I thought this ball would be perfect for this lane condition.  I WAS RIGHT!!! I shot 249,255,279 783 series my highest ever. The ball gets through the heads very clean and doesnt read the middle of the lane until about 40 feet then it makes a very controlled hook back to the pocket. After I got done tonight I looked at there specs saying that the overall hook is 70 of 100 but I think its more like 75-80. But it does what it says it very controlable. I threw the ball good tonight I don't know if it was because it was a new ball and I get excited to throw a new ball or if the ball just works. I don't care either way I bowled great and can't wait to bowl with in league Friday. On a scale of 1-10 on what I think the ball is a 10. Does anyone know when Banger is looking to bring out any other balls? I need more balls that find the hole. I will keep you informed on my progress.

Jason Johnson



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« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2006, 11:56:07 AM »
In such a review, I'd like to learn how the bowler throws the ball, what type of oil pattern and amount the ball was used on and how other balls reacted at the same time. Otherwise, all I know was that the bowler was happy with it and nothing else. I would not have any idea whether I could use the ball and where and how I might use it.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2006, 02:17:10 PM »
I throw the ball about 16mph and turn the ball pretty good. The only other ball I threw last night was the One by Ebonite. It has the pin right above fingers as well and when I threw it it hooked way to much in the back end for me to throw. I pulled out the Hole Pounder and it doesn't hook as much in the back end as the One. I believe the lanes are oiled 36 feet with it dryer to the right. It is a standard house shot. I don't bowl a lot of tournaments so if you want a detailed account of everything I can't provide that. I can tell you that the ball worked very well last night and I happy with it so far. If you want to ask me something I can find out I will ask my ball driller he should be able to tell me.


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« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2006, 12:09:10 AM »
I throw the ball about 16mph and turn the ball pretty good. The only other ball I threw last night was the One by Ebonite. It has the pin right above fingers as well and when I threw it it hooked way to much in the back end for me to throw. I pulled out the Hole Pounder and it doesn't hook as much in the back end as the One. I believe the lanes are oiled 36 feet with it dryer to the right. It is a standard house shot. I don't bowl a lot of tournaments so if you want a detailed account of everything I can't provide that. I can tell you that the ball worked very well last night and I happy with it so far. If you want to ask me something I can find out I will ask my ball driller he should be able to tell me.

Thank you, CaliBowler300. That was good. Comparisons are very important in any and every review.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."