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Author Topic: Is 900 Global making a mistake?  (Read 4507 times)


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Is 900 Global making a mistake?
« on: September 07, 2007, 01:29:11 PM »
I respect 900 Global. Their willingness to support pro shops is an example ALL ball manufacturers should follow... Or should they?

This site is affiliated with (900 Global does not sell to internet dealers.) Do you think will recognize 900 Global? That would be a NO.

Also, will not recognize 900 Global. No reviews will be available on that site. 900G balls are not recognized as "new release." No mention whatsoever. Yet. Will they ever? Dunno.

As we all know, the internet vs. pro shops battle continues. Respected pro shops are now partnering with internet dealers. Nick "Brunsnick" has a partnership with Is this a bad thing? No. Sounds like a willingness to "meet in the middle." The internet is here to stay.

Is 900 Global making a mistake with their marketing strategy? You decide.


Edited on 9/7/2007 10:12 PM



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Re: Is 900 Global making a mistake?
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2007, 01:55:29 PM »
This really is the day and age of the internet, and at least for me when I want info on anything, I turn to the internet.  It is convenient, fast and extremely simple....not to mention saves gas by staying home and not having to drive all the way to the shop, library, place of business, to get information.  Also I don't have any pesky sales person pushing a sale on me, or trying to steer me in another direction, especially if I am just browsing.

sir,  you make many excellent points.

but try to keep this in mind.  we are talking about a bowling bowl.
this is not rocket science for most people.

most just want their own ball.

so they find a pro shop and go there and buy a ball.
most don't know one ball from the other.
so they relay on the pro shop for advise.

if said pro shop likes dealing with 900 global,  because of their way of doing business,  that is how 900 global's balls will be sold.

try to understand>>>> you are probably a bowler!!!!!

most people on this site are bowlers!!!!!

so you may use the net for info.

but the other 54,999,000 people who bowl,  bowl for fun or a nite out etc.

and when it comes time for them to buy a ball.  they really don't do their homework on the net.

they simply go into a pro shop and buy a ball.
and most will buy what is recommended to them.

now if some pro shops like the idea that by carring 900 global's equipment, they will not have to directly compete with online dealers.  many will do this.

now it might cost them a problem if a person like you or most on this site { bowlers }  comes in looking for the latest.  but once again,  the majority
of todays bowlers do not surf the net for ball info.

they may use the net to find a nearby pro shop.   but a ball is a ball to them.
the 500-900 people that visit this site,  may be true bowlers,  wanting the best info,  thus surf the net.

but the man or women joining a mixed league on sat.,  just wants a place where they can get a ball.  now, while they wait., because usually, they wait untill bowling nite to buy their ball.

jls, proud watcher of womens golf

Edited on 9/8/2007 1:57 PM

Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: Is 900 Global making a mistake?
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2007, 02:26:17 PM »
JLS I will agree with what you said about pro shops being happy about not having to deal with online competitors and that will be one way 900 global will get their balls sold.  I even put that in my post.  

However, your whole line about every other week mixed players, and recreational players going to a shop and going with the pro shop operators advice, I can not agree with you on that.

The people you mentioned won't be looking to spend anywhere near the $180 or more pricetag for these balls.  Most people looking to join a mixed league and getting a new ball are A)women, who will most times (non competetive just bowling fo fun women) look for a ball in a certain color.  Which they could pick up from their local Sports Authority for $39.99 drilling included and if they can't they will go to a proshop look at a ball and say that's pretty I want that one.  Do you think they really care about lay outs, surface of the ball or things of that nature? and B)would be mostly men who haven't bowled in ages that already have their own ball which could be dated back to 1960.  

The truth is, bowling ball companies and proshops will do most of their business with bowlers that are in competetive leagues and tournaments.  The bowlers you mentioned may buy 1 ball every 5 years...many people like the people that come on this site are buying what...5,6,7 new balls per year?

Now I ask you this...if you were the CEO, Owner whatever of SuperDuper Bowling Balls and you just released your first line....which of these two groups would you rather satisfy.  Bowler A in the local every other week mixed league that buys a new ball and will keep it for many years and not buy a new one...or Bowler B that bowls 2 leagues a week, and some tournaments and buys at least 2-3 new balls a year?  I think I know the answer to that.

Now you could be correct that some people or in your response most people looking for a new ball do not look things up on the net and you could be correct, but if am an every other week mixed league bowler out for a night of fun...drinking and socializing is my game and bowling comes second, do you think I'd really listen to a proshop guy trying to sell me a $200 ball?  I think I would look at the stuff in the book that is the cheapest and get one of those and be happy I have my own bowling ball that fits and isn't dirtied up by other grimy people's hands.

I am not knocking 900 Global...if their company feels that the best way to go is by not selling online and only going through the shops, that is their perogative.  They are in the bowling ball industry, and I am obviously not.  They, I am sure have done some research on the whole thing and figured that by doing so, they will make more profit than if they sold to internet dealers.  I, myself am just the consumer that will be one of many they are hoping will take a chance on their equipment, love it, and push others to purcahse as well.

Obviously the best publicity is word of mouth.  I think their hardest task is going to be getting the new line into bowlers hands.  If they can do that, and their equipment does what they claim it to do, then word of mouth will take over and their balls will be sold regradless of what avenues they take in selling the balls (internet, or shop only).

I wish them good luck and  like I said I will probably pick one up in the future.  Like I also said, if they had them online I would have picked up one of each of their new releases.
Formerly SGC300


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Re: Is 900 Global making a mistake?
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2007, 02:54:47 PM »
spider,   in the past,  what you said would probably be true.

but today,  we get in basic starters,  willing to buy $130-$180 balls.

yes it's true that a "bowler"  will buy more then one ball in a year.  but there are boo koo more starters buying one ball,  then there are serious bowlers.

today women come in for a ball,  and they don't want a WD, or Maxim,  they want a jazz, or a bash or clash,   or a doom.  they seem more then willing to pay a little more and get a quality ball.

and the same seems to be true for men,  if your teammates are using highend, and your paying $20 a week to bowl,   they want top line too.

now as for your question about what bowler you would want<  sure any company would want a bowler like you or most on this site.  but you still, for the most part have someone you like drill your balls.  and if you buy some from that person, and said person likes 900 global,  because of the way they do business,  you might end up trying one.  especially if you start to see top end bowlers in your house scoring with one of them.

i know many pro shops that carry their line of shoes,  yet don't stock dexter.

now our shop has ordered these balls,  and i really don't care if they are online or not.  i ordered them based on this company's quality.  and if in the future they do decide to sell thru dist. or to online dealers,  no problem with that.

maybe we can make a few dollars more now,  since they are not online,  but the price will not be much different then other top line models.

customers like you know what to expect to pay for a top line model.

lets say about $200 drilled, thru a pro shop.  
if you see these balls for $250,  you probably won't buy them.

now if we are selling all the other top line balls for about $200.  and they are online,  then what is the problem here.  more then likely our price on this ball will be very close to other top end balls,  that are online.

have a good weekend.
have a good day spider.
jls, proud watcher of womens golf

Edited on 9/8/2007 3:45 PM


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Re: Is 900 Global making a mistake?
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2007, 04:47:33 PM »
I have sent him a pm and all I got was he will put it up for consideration and can't make any promises at this time.

Tenpin, same thing happened to me when I was trying to get Insite and Banger added.  It seems that this site would like for a ball company to have a few releases out first before any action is taken.  I kind of see their point on this.  As far as getting the balls added for Reviews, has anyone sent this site the information on the releases?  I sent them the info for Banger's and Insite's products and they eventually added those releases to the listing.

Ok, I just sent an email with the info for the Break and Creature and requested that they be added to the New Releases (and for a seperate forum).  Hopefully, that will occur.


I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
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Re: Is 900 Global making a mistake?
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2007, 09:28:56 PM »
I think the problem is that 900G is making it seem that they are not even selling to distributors - isn't that what Eric said in a previous post?

So, you want me to believe that a "small" company, just starting out, is set up to handle that number of accounts?  Each pro shop will need to order directly from 900G?  Is there a minimum order?  

Most of my local pro shops don't deal with the "small" companies that sell directly to shops.  Only 1 in the area sells Lane#1 because he came from New York.  Another pro shop is like pulling teeth to get him to order a "special order" ball, like AMF - he has to call a different distributor for that and that takes him an extra 10 minutes!  He sure as heck ain't gonna pick up the phone and call 900G directly!

As much as I'd like to try the 900G stuff, I'll only be able to do that if I find a used one on here.  The guys selling NIB stuff on here want $140-150 for a Break and $100-110 for the Creature.  I can get a BW for under $120 shipped....and there are plenty of reviews on that ball.

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Re: Is 900 Global making a mistake?
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2007, 11:11:49 PM »
So, you want me to believe that a "small" company, just starting out, is set up to handle that number of accounts?  Each pro shop will need to order directly from 900G?  Is there a minimum order?  

900G may be a small company but "just starting out" doesn't really describe them.  With the old C300 facilities and the pedigree of their executives, I think they will be more than able to handle whatever number of accounts they end up with.



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Re: Is 900 Global making a mistake?
« Reply #22 on: September 09, 2007, 12:06:40 AM »
So, you want me to believe that a "small" company, just starting out, is set up to handle that number of accounts?  Each pro shop will need to order directly from 900G?  Is there a minimum order?  

900G may be a small company but "just starting out" doesn't really describe them.  With the old C300 facilities and the pedigree of their executives, I think they will be more than able to handle whatever number of accounts they end up with.


Sorry, didn't see how big their "team" is:


900 Global Team

Mike Sellers, Operations
Phil Cardinale, Sales and Marketing
Eric Thomas, Sales
Dale Garner, Sales / Customer Service
Dan Speranza, Operations
George Brooks, Operations


900 Global LLC
4837 West Avenue
San Antonio Texas 78213
1-800-424-Bowl (2695)
Local 210-343-3300
Fax 210-343-3301
Email inquiries to


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Re: Is 900 Global making a mistake?
« Reply #23 on: September 09, 2007, 02:05:04 AM »
Ok, I just sent an email with the info for the Break and Creature and requested that they be added to the New Releases (and for a seperate forum). Hopefully, that will occur.

And I just noticed that 900 Global was added to the Manufacturer's Listing and their balls were added to the Reviews listing.  All it took was an email.


I am the SGT Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing! I see nothing! NOTHING!"

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Re: Is 900 Global making a mistake?
« Reply #24 on: September 09, 2007, 09:02:35 AM »
Acually it took more than an email. Everyone that posted their opinions in the associated threads made a difference, also.

Thanks YEAH!

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