I just had a Kong drilled up this week and don't have a lot of use with it yet (about 8 games) but I can give you my first impression. First off, it's drilled 4 1/4 x 3 1/4, pin under ring. I left it in box condition (sheen).
I had read the reviews in both Bowlers Journal and BTM and had a look in my head as to what I would expect; sort of long for a particle with a big turn on the back. I think BTM said this is a ball you must trust to turn the corner; Bowlers Journal said Heavy roll through the mids with a big backend move.
I originally bought this to replace my Yeah Baby as that has a number of games on it and I needed a "reason" to put this in my bag. I kind of knew that I wouldn't be using it in my league the night I bought it because it's a second shift pos shot league on old wood lanes where you wouldn't be using this kind of ball but I had to throw it in practice at least just to see. As I was walking towards my lanes charlest was leaving (he bowls first shift) and all he said as he was shaking his head was that the lanes were even drier than last week. No chance of using it tonight. When I got to my pair the league before us was just finishing and there were 8 women using plastic balls. I thought, carrydown, maybe I can use it! Well, I tried every spot on that lane, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th arrow and that ball didn't even try to wrinkle. I figured there wasn't enough oil and it was burnt before it hit the arrows. Back in the bag it went. I would have to wait for another day to try the new weapon. I went back a day later and they had oiled about 4 hours prior and didn't have any leagues so I thought I might have a chance to use it. Straight as an arrow. I have the BTM review floating in my head and I'm seeing the opposite. I tried all different lines but no hook. I went again today and as I walked in they were running the machine. They only ran about 35-40' and left the backends with whatever play was on them. I figured, ok, fresh oil up front and possible carrydown from open bowling. Now we're going to see what this ball can do. Nada. It never tried to make it back. I remember the pro shop saying that from what they've seen of this ball it appears to be allergic to oil. Now this is not saying it's not a good ball, it just didn't fit the picture that I had built in my mind of what this ball was going to do. I wound up shooting over 700, with a 279 game in the set but I had to move way right and play an angle towards the pocket. When the ball was near the pocket it annihilated the pins. If I didn't concentrate and I let the ball out to the right slightly it didn't make it back to the pocket. I had no "mistake" room. I bowl on synthetics tomorrow night (last week I had to play deep) and will try the Kong on this shot. I will start playing around with different surfaces and see what results I get. I'll give an update.
BowlerKidR....I look forward to hearing how your buddy did with his.