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Author Topic: Lane Masters: The Answer (initial use)  (Read 6366 times)


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Lane Masters: The Answer (initial use)
« on: April 17, 2004, 06:09:41 AM »
Edit: 7/10/04 9:00 PM

After discussion with Action Man, I feel I must correct any misconceptions I may have allowed to permeate this thread.

While I have been disappointed in that I could not get my The Answer to work, that does not mean many other LaneMasters balls may not be suitable for someone else. It is just my ball and I suppose any number of things may have happened to it on its way from production to my hands. That is the sole reason I felt I cannot recommend any Lanemasters balls. Perhaps it's best if that statement be edited out until I get this straightened out. Thanks for your understanding.

Ok, I got sucked into (so far that's the evaluation) the hype. I went a bought a 3" pin, 15 lb The Answer; drilled it medium-strong, 4"x5" for yours truly.

The ball comes with as high a gloss as I have ever seen on any ball. I'd guess-timate it at about 3000-4000 grit sanding with a very high gloss polish. This is, in my experience, a VERY fine grit with a VERY high gloss polish.

It hooked MAYBE 2 boards more than my Blue Dot on very dry conditions. I used on a veyr dry cndition and embarassed myself because I did not use it before hand and test it in order to establish some parameters. I either went thru the nose or left washout on very dry conditions. I put it away and finsihed ith my Blue Dot. Bad night anyway.

So I sanded it to roughly 1000 grit with a grey Scotch Brite Pad and then polished it to about 1500 grit, maybe 1200 grit. Now it moved maybe 4-5 boards more than my Blue Dot. I tried it in practice but didn't dare to use it in league.

The ball came to be directly from Lane Masters with abnormal but extremely logical directions to polish or sand as needed to get the desired reaction (as if I have not been preaching that for years here at  I feel it is necessary to use a ball as it comes to see what the manufacturers planned reaction is. Seeing as how both BJI and BTM both reviewed this ball as being for Medium-Oil patterns, YET with neither of them mentioning having changed the surface at all PLUS my normal release making any ball seem much more powerful than the average bowler finds them, I remain mystified at "The Answwr"'s lack of even medium-light or even dry performance parameters.

What the ______!

I will next try to sand it to 600 then polish lightly and see what happens.

So far it "does not work for me"!

"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."

Edited on 4/17/2004 9:02 PM

Edited on 7/10/2004 9:16 PM
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Re: Lane Masters: The Answer (initial use)
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2004, 12:03:07 AM »
Charlest i tried to warn everyone about the ball about a month ago and yes i did dull it and repolish slightly and it might have had about 4-5 boards more of hook. I can hook my polished gyro urethane as many or more boards as the answer in a box finish, so it is not you but would be a great ball for a slow roller on a dryer shot. I had mine sold to fellow ball reviewer and when i went to send it the ball had cracked and the factory told me too bad you have grips and a slug. So i ate about 170 after drilling for a ball that was NOT THE ANSWER to me in any way shape or form. I do have the AZO Ultima rp reactive and i have to actually give that ball a 8 out of 10 on a lighter pattern, so i do not the whole line is junk but the one i had and a couple of others that were given balls at my center do.


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Re: Lane Masters: The Answer (initial use)
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2004, 11:57:03 PM »
Sanded it to 600 grit then applied a light polish (I do mean light).
It is now a decent DRY lanes ball. I do mean dry as it goes longer and hooks less than my Barrage with the pin and CG stacked in the grip center (1.5" pin-CG distance) AND polished; it hooks MUCH less than my SlayR with CG and pin stacked in the grip center. These two balls are as mild as resin balls get; the Barrage is virtually a pancake core.

God only knows how BTM and BJI got this ball to be appropriate for medium oil lanes. For me who can usually make light oil balls work in medium to medium-heavy oil, it is more tham amazing, it is beyond unbelievable (I mean, I do not believe it, LITERALLY) than this ball, as I received it directly from Lane Masters, can work for anyone short of Robert Smith's rev release on medium oil.

Could they have changed the ball at the factory?
And this is supposed to be a particle pearl!

Something is rotten in Denmark.
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Edited on 4/19/2004 11:51 PM
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Re: Lane Masters: The Answer (initial use)
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2004, 10:20:35 AM »
Bullred:     Have you had any experience with the Lanemasters Extreme Impact?  I purchased one in Feb.  At the time I knew relatively nothing about the balls of today since the last time I bowled was in the early 80's with plastic.  I got talked into bowling in a league and used the old plastic for more than half the year.  Just could not get it to hook so I started researching balls and was amazed at what was out there.  After a couple of weeks of researching, I decided to order the Extreme Impact.  I have never been one to follow the crowds and it seemed like it might fit my style.  Had it drilled for maximum flare but I can admit I know very little about drilling.  Within a month I rolled my first 300 (of course in practice).  I think the ball has great potential and is very durable.  Most of the problems are user related due to my
relative lack of recent experience.  

Since receiving the ball my average has been in the 190's but should be higher due to my poor spare shooting but am working at throwing the plastic straight at 10 pins and hopefully that will help.  

I read this forum quite often but rarely see anyone who uses Lanemasters stuff, so sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision but right now I think the ball is great and my bad nights are self inflicted.

Next year I may start thinking about getting a ball with a little more hook for oily conditions and I was wondering about the Lanemaster particle balls.


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Re: Lane Masters: The Answer (initial use)
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2004, 11:59:26 AM »
Just throwing in my two cents.  I have the Answer and the Drastic Carbide.  Still haven't had enough testing to post my reviews on them yet.  But so far I like them.  Like bullred said, ALL of the AZO stuff has length right out of the box.  They don't like carrydown or long patterns.  On these patterns they will push past the breakpoint.  But get them on the right condition (med-light oil / clean backends) and they will impress.  I have had some great and not so great nights with these two.  Most recent night was spectacular.  Both performed great.  Not sure what type of shot was out.  But judging by the way the both me and my friends balls were reacting, there were good backends.  First time since I have had them that I have seen them move that much or that early.  Pins were flying everywhere, even on erant shots.  

My Opinions(thus far):

These balls seem to roll better with slower speed and medium to higher revs.  However I could see a high rev high speed bowler having sucsess also.  They also get better as they track out a little.  Just need a slight wear in the cover.  But keep them polished and use them for the conditions that best suit them (to all bowlers).  Sanding wont make oilers out of these balls.  Just make them less predictable.  But by all means drill them strong if you want to use them on more conditions.  My Answer is 3-3/8 x 3-3/8 with pin out 3-3/8 (perfect triangle).  And it's been my most consistent of the two.  I really like it so far.  It will definitely be in my bag for my next tourney.  I have also stated my position in the past about AZO's marketing and PR.  Nothing has changed in that regard (I agree with bullred).  They still have a long way to go in the US market from a consumer relations standpoint.  By the way bullred, how is that Illusion still working for you?



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Re: Lane Masters: The Answer (initial use)
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2004, 12:03:52 PM »

di it "hit" better than your blue dot?
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"deserves got nothing to do with it."
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Re: Lane Masters: The Answer (initial use)
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2004, 02:08:35 PM »

di it "hit" better than your blue dot?
"deserves got nothing to do with it."
-- William Munny

I would hope so. Yes, it did, but I wasnt worried about that.
I am still working on it. 600 grit sand plus polish still resulted in hardly any hook, but, the cover had this greasy feel to it after you threw it a few times, just like plastic does. Plastic does that because it does not absorb oil; it just lays on the surface. Makes me wonder if something is not pluggging up the pores in this ball's surface.

Next attempt: 400 grit sanding top remove everything plus treatment with Clean and Dull; then a re-sanding up to the 1000 grit stage to see what that does.

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Re: Lane Masters: The Answer (initial use)
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2004, 10:41:23 PM »
Next step:

I tried 3 surface changes so far. The first one that actually showed some signs of life (the 3rd surface change I made) was 1200 grit dull.

Through all this, even using Lanemasters' own "Super-cleaner" (their words), I never got the ball to feel that resin tackiness. I used Track's Clean and Dull and Neo-Tac's Hook-it, all to no avail. With any degree of polish, the ball has a greasy feel that polyester balls get when oil just lays on them. This situation makes me feel that the ball's pores are clogged. It may need to be sanded to 320 grit and then brought up to whatever is your preferred grit, in order to un-clog the pores. Resins and particle pearls do have to absorb at least some oil to perform properly.

Hmmmm, I wonder if this is not a urethane pearl with particles in the coverstock, like some of Visionary's balls (Scorcher, Purple Ice), which were/are urethane-based particles ?????

All told, it seems exceedingly difficult to get this ball to perform; not a good sign.

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Re: Lane Masters: The Answer (initial use)
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2004, 11:58:25 AM »

What type of cloths are you using to clean it with?  I would check them if I were you.  Surface contact is important. You could be just moving the residue around without absorbing it (smearing).  My ball sqeeks slightly when it is being cleaned well.  I use clean-n-dull followed by alcohol and it has worked fine on mine.  You could also try a wet microfiber rag after initial cleaning (even an absorber).  If you haven't already, also try leaving the clean-n-dull on the surface of the ball a tad bit longer before removing.  You may have to use a little more so it doesn't dry out on you.  Always make sure your hands are clean prior to checking the cover (i'm sure you know this) as well.  Just offering suggestions. Hope any of this helps.



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Re: Lane Masters: The Answer (initial use)
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2004, 12:10:00 PM »

What type of cloths are you using to clean it with?  I would check them if I were you.  Surface contact is important. You could be just moving the residue around without absorbing it (smearing).  My ball sqeeks slightly when it is being cleaned well.  I use clean-n-dull followed by alcohol and it has worked fine on mine.  You could also try a wet microfiber rag after initial cleaning (even an absorber).  If you haven't already, also try leaving the clean-n-dull on the surface of the ball a tad bit longer before removing.  You may have to use a little more so it doesn't dry out on you.  Always make sure your hands are clean prior to checking the cover (i'm sure you know this) as well.  Just offering suggestions. Hope any of this helps.


Thanks, Arc7, but I am fairly clean when doing these procedures. I follow the intsructions well and properly with both Clan & Dull and Hook-It. I use clean Bounty paper towels every time. I use a rubber glove with Hook-It. After every sanding I use a clean wet paper towel to remove any residual gunk; I use bowling ball cleaner after using the wet paper towel. Sometimes I use clean and dry cotton terry cloth facecloths to clean the ball.

And, as I mentioned I even used the supposed "Super-Cleaner" that LaneMasters sent along with the ball.

Thanks, anyway.

I've never had any trouble on any ball getting a tacky feeling, be the ball dull or polished. This is why I have a feeling the ball's pores may be clogged, OR the ball may actually be urethane pearl and not a resin pearl.
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Re: Lane Masters: The Answer (initial use)
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2004, 03:02:10 PM »

How many games do you have on the ball to date?



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Re: Lane Masters: The Answer (initial use)
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2004, 04:59:03 PM »

How many games do you have on the ball to date?


Maybe 10.

Currently has a 1200 grit matte finish; will be taking it up to 2000 for the next testing stage.
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Re: Lane Masters: The Answer (initial use)
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2004, 07:02:26 PM »
Yeah,  We had a big handed guy in our area left shiny.

(i don't know exact steps).  Ball looks very big and not that far down the lane for a pearl.

Actually sort of silly big!


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Re: Lane Masters: The Answer (initial use)
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2004, 07:08:04 PM »
By the way what is a Blue dot? Is that similar to the current white dots? just wondering.

A Columbia Blue Dot is or was the hardest polyester ball ever made. It was in the neighborhood of 86-88 on the hardness scale. Basically it is the smallest hooking ball EVER made. I have one and use it for spares ONLY.
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Edited on 7/10/2004 9:17 PM
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Re: Lane Masters: The Answer (initial use)
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2004, 07:15:10 PM »
OK after 4 or more (I forget) resurfacings on my original drilling (pin under ring finger; CG in area of center of grip, I re-drilled it for length: pin along side ring finger, CG offset from center of grip by about 3/4", adding some side weight (even though I belive it doesn't mean a lot). Bll is now 2000 grit, and light polish. It hook a little more than my SlayR, but hits very mildly, more like a urethane ball.

I am about at the end of my rope and my inclination to test this ball any further. Considering it is SUPPOSED to be a particle pearl, I can barely believe that to be true.
Its hitting power is weak, to say the least. Its hooking ability is barely acceptable. I have no idea what else I can do to impart any power, in the least, to this ball with surface and/or drilling.

FYI, it stil has that greasy feelign as if it is not resin at all, since it is  not absorbing any oil at all as a resin ball would do.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."

Edited on 6/6/2004 4:44 AM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."