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Author Topic: Lanemasters/Legends Guaranteed  (Read 2040 times)


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Lanemasters/Legends Guaranteed
« on: November 22, 2004, 01:21:21 AM »
I just read a review on this ball in BJ and you got to
be kidding. 400 Matte Finish with a high load of diamond
particles. Has anyone thown this ball yet and can there
be truly enough oil for a ball like this ? Anyone seen
one yet.
Legends are starting to show up in the Northwest Chicago and
suburbs. I kid I work with threw his 1st sport 300 with a
Yeah Baby. Very impressive.




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Re: Lanemasters/Legends Guaranteed
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2004, 10:18:41 PM »
I don't believe the Guaranteed has diamond particles.  I think BJ made an error.  The Guaranteed is under the Lanemasters logo not the Legends.  It is a heavy load particle cover on it however.  The reviews by BJ and BTM are conflicting concerning the specs of the ball though.  One says it is high rg with med diff, while the other says it is very low rg with high diff.  The BTM review can be found on Lanemasters revamped website (  I believe BTM goes by the same specs found on Blockbusterbowling's website and not the one's on Lanemasters website.  Aparently there were two versions of specs for this ball.  Both reviewers described it as a heavy oiler though.


You be the HERO.  I'd rather be the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time!)

Edited on 11/22/2004 11:19 PM


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Re: Lanemasters/Legends Guaranteed
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2004, 11:43:10 AM »
Even though the ball is a Lanemaster, it does contain Diamond Particles.  I was confused by this myself, however it was confirmed to me by the staff at Legends Lanemaster.

BuddiesProShopcom - Bill

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Re: Lanemasters/Legends Guaranteed
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2004, 03:55:00 PM »
I laid this ball out by putting the Pin 4" from my Positive Axis Point and the CG 4" from my Positive Axis Point.

I tested this ball on three different house shots, along with a heavy oil sport shot.

I found the Lane Master Guaranteed to have a strong arcing motion on all the patterns, and very easy to control.  I think this a ball that you can use on a variety of lane condition when you adjust the surface to taylor what you are looking for.  In the box condition, I was able to throw this ball on all the Medium to Heavy Oil shots that I came across.  On all the shots the ball gave the strong arcing motion to the pocket with the Lane Master hitting power, that you find in all of their balls.

If you are looking for a Lane Master ball to go with this ball, for Medium-Light Oil patterns, pick up the Absolute Power.

Any questions, please email me at

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