What, I'M a ball whore! As they say on South Park - Whore Off!

OK, on to the World Class. I had a chance to bowl on the US Open shot this weekend and another league shot last night. The World Class is at least 6 to 7 boards stronger than the Big Kahuna. On the US Open shot the WC started rolling a little later than the BK but covered more boards on the back. I shot a 188 with the BK and 2 low deuces with the WC. Even as strong as the WC is, if I missed my mark by 1 or 2 boards right it just kept going. I started off playing up the boards but I didn't have any play area at all. Playing between 20-25 gave me a little more room for error as long as I kept my speed up. Jeff Morin (LT from PBA forum infamy) was there playing the 1/2 board and crushing the hole. Yowzer!.
On the easy league shot, as charlest calls it, the WC was easily 7 boards or more stronger than the BK. It lasted for 3 frames (even crossing 25) before the soft 10's started coming. I will be bowling a tournament on Brunswick ProAnvilanes (Carolier) which are much harder and straighter than the AMF synthetics I was bowling on. I'll see how it makes out on those.
I can't imagine how far left I'd have to stand with the Big Bang if it's so much stronger than the WC.
charlest, not true about having more money than you. I just have a bigger max on my credit cards