Calm down charlest, who pi$$ed in your Wheaties this morning?

I had no idea a 41' shot is light oil in which a popular ball of choice in our house is a Hammer Real Deal...

Besides, I go through so many bowling balls it's not even funny. I could have listed every single ball I've used in comparison to TNS, but those were the first ones that came to mind. I didn't even mention that I also have a Goliath, Triple Threat, and Icon 300 that I have used on our THS with success. I probably should have stated that earlier so I realize I goofed-up a bit.
All I am saying is that The New Standard did not work nearly as advertised for me. Even fellow bowlers couldn't believe the ball I was throwing was The New Standard because they had read about it too and thought about buying one, that is until they saw mine. I even let my teammate who is a cranker throw it during our 10 minute practice session. Yes it did react more for him than it did for me, but his Phenom was at least 7 or 8 boards stronger.
*Don't swing it if you can't bring it.*
"Hey Guero..." "Yeah, bro?"
BallReviews member since 3/31/2003 (since 2001 under the late user name buzzsaw16) 
Edited on 4/18/2005 8:28 AM