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Author Topic: Lord Field Exodus Iron Review  (Read 1541 times)


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Lord Field Exodus Iron Review
« on: April 25, 2012, 12:33:52 PM »
   My Stats: 5 5/8 and 3/4 up, Tilt 13*, Rev Rate 400, AR 45 Speed Matched.

 I drilled the Exodus Iron up 60 x 5 x 30 with a P3 hole.


  first time throwing this ball was on the Kegel Challenge Series (Broadway) pattern. I was playing on HPL lanes that have no backend. I was only able to throw it for one game as it was quite hot in the bowling alley and we were losing the head quite quickly, but what a game it was 266 with 11 strikes. I was stand 20 and going out to 6 at the break point and it was destroying the pins.


 Second time throwing this ball was on the WTBA Athens Pattern and this ball was strong and gave me more room then anything else I had in my bag. Once again playing on HPL lanes with no backends. I was standing 22 throwing 15-8 and blowing racks. Being a sport shot the scores weren't ridiculous but I did manage an 836 for 4 games.


If you are looking for a strong ball to handle oil this is your ball. I am liking what I see from Lord Field and I can't wait for the next release.

Earl Sobotkiewicz

Bowl Below

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