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Author Topic: Mega Idol for drier conditions?  (Read 1153 times)


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Mega Idol for drier conditions?
« on: August 27, 2004, 09:59:31 AM »
Would thier be a way to drill, change the cover, etc. to the mega idol to make it so I could use it on med-dry to medium? I am looking for a ball in that category and this, or the Titan both seem interesting.
Maelstrom's quote of whenever I feel like changing it ():

Its pretty sad when you girlfriend uses a heavier house ball than you.



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Re: Mega Idol for drier conditions?
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2004, 06:28:55 PM »
From what I have seen and what the company says the ball is limited to certain drills because of the core strength.  If u are looking for something weaker i would look more towards the hero it has the most length of any of there stuff when the company lists blls from most to least hook they go idol super hero mega ido and the hero. The hero could be ajusted better to fit drier lanes but nothing in there line covers real light that I have seen.
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