I moved the pin from, 1, in the ring finger to, 2, in the middle finger (but kicked the GC too far out. OOPS) to, 3, now it's above the center of the bridge, with the CG just slightly kicked out, no weight hole. It's about a 4 1/2" - 5" pin to PAP for me (haven't measured my new PAP yet). It's still revs up strong, but the length is easier and the backend is more controllable.
Surface is 2000 grit Abralon + light dose of Snake Oil.
Mine handles the carrydown I see. At Least I haven't seen any when I was using it that it hasn't handled. Most times when I use it, my rev rate is around 280/300. I did practice in one house a few weeks ago, where I used a lower rev rate (240/250) to play the outside, as a swing shot didn't carry.
Oh, and I get enough backend with the current drilling to play as deep as 18 or so at the arrows (did that last week).
"None are so blind as those who will not see."