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Author Topic: New to Legends/Lane Masters  (Read 2016 times)


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New to Legends/Lane Masters
« on: March 27, 2006, 06:08:50 AM »
Have never tried a ball from this company but I'm curious. Who makes their stuff?

If you were to build an arsenal what would it be?
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Re: New to Legends/Lane Masters
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2006, 04:10:18 PM »
I was hoping that charlest would jump in as he seems to love their stuff....oh well.

I think that I'm going to replace my Action and X-factor Ace (my current medium to heavy stuff) with a World Class and a Masterpiece. Any opinions?
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Re: New to Legends/Lane Masters
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2006, 04:17:36 PM »
there stuff rocks. They make there own I belive. I have not thrown any of this years releases but the older balls are still great. I was using them for leagues and my track stuff for tournaments.

so after a few leagues they hit like new. I would say that they make some great balls that last a long time.
It was a fine time for me - I was learning to fence, fight, anything anyone would teach me


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Re: New to Legends/Lane Masters
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2006, 05:05:24 PM »
I have the following...

Big Kahuna
Big Bang

If you have any questions about these.. PM ME


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Re: New to Legends/Lane Masters
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2006, 05:23:45 PM »
Have never tried a ball from this company but I'm curious. Who makes their stuff?

If you were to build an arsenal what would it be?
Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.

Ok, golfnutFL backed me into a corner. I hesitate to involved with arsenals, since it is so release and oil pattern sensitive. As with most companies, there are many sets of choices from which you can extract 3-4 strike balls for leagues and tournaments; when you add in variations due to drillings + sirface changes, you can easily set up 10 - 15 arsenals with no sweat.

Their basic lighter oil balls are pearl resins:
Absolute Power, Satisfaxion and MasterPiece (The Buzz is a new one that I don't know about yet): These balls are all medium-oil balls when drilled with 4" pin-PAP positions. High ball speed/rev rate people can use these on light oils. Mild drillings or high gloss finishes will also allow their use on lighter oil.
AP: control pearl resin (NOT a contradiction in terms!), I love it.
Satisfaxion: flippier version of AP
Masterpiece: handles more oil than the other two and is a skid/flip Monster, without putting the pinabove the bridge or ring finger!

Kong: a mystery piece. 800 grit finish plus solid particle says medium-heavy oil. For me and JS it is/was a medium-light oil ball. Hit is great, as per usual. Out of the box, it was actually a weaker ball than my Absolute Power and Masterpiece. You figure it out.

Medium - medium Heavy oil:
Big Kahuna, New Standard2
BK: particle pearl length while being a solid particle, strong backend.
NS2: the new definitive Control ball; despite heavy load of particle, this is true medium oil (and a little bit more, but not medium-heavy) ball. Can have strong backend, but you'll think, "arc" plus "control.

New Standard - THE Legends ball; a true "new standard".How such an arc-y, even ball reaction can hit SOOOOO hard, I'll never know!
Yeah Baby: Longer, stronger, more hook, more backend than the NS; hanrdle able to handle medium oil, Needs long medium oil. With same drilling as my NS, I had/have to stand 10 boards deeper with my feet and hit the same breakpoint.
World Class: Just ordered mine; JS loves his; stronger than Big Kahuna, with larger backend. I'm interested in how different from my YB it is. SUpposed to hanlde more oil while still being able to handle mediums.

(Haven't tried any of these; so whatI say is based on reviews and reports.)
Medium-Heavy to  Heavy oil:
Guaranteed: need HEAVY oil; anything less and it appears not to hook.
Absolute Power2: early, strong, needs lots of oil
Big Bang: (just saw BTM review: one of the few true oilers with length)

So several arsenals can be gathered from these divisions:

My original Arsenal:
New Standard
Yeah Baby

Big Kahuna
World Class

Masterpiece (drilled very weak, like 5" pin)
New STandard2
New Standard

Absolute Power
New Standard2
Absolute Power2 (slightly mild drilling)
Big Bang

OK, I"m boring even me now. QUestions?
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
(That includes me too, at times! )

"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: New to Legends/Lane Masters
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2006, 07:44:31 AM »
I'll put up my arsenal too as Ive been fooling around with three of the gems from LM/L.
Absolute Power (OOB), control, control,control. A very reliable ball for most light to med conditions as charlest said. i cant use mine on burnt though so you may need something for dryer conditons.
World Class (OOB),WOW what a ball. stronger than the AP with a bigger backend. Ive only used it a couple of times but its going to be a keeper as I shot 1738 / 8 on a sports pattern to take top spot in our counties on its first go out of the box. dont be fooled by the particle amount as you can easily use this on med oil as this is where i have found it to be unstoppable.
Yeah Baby(800 grit) I had a problem keeping it shined up but found that if I had it dull it was med/heavy oil monster. I dont see the condition that often but when I couldnt get a Uranium Solid to even wrinkle this turned the corner and allowed me to play up 10 no problem and even gave me a little recovery outside.
As I say these are the only balls from their collection that I have but Im quite happy to turn most places with these 3 and feel like Ive got something for anything I see. I would like something a little weaker than the AP for very dry but Ive an old D/T that fills that hole.
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK.
   Did someone say tough luck
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Happy go lucky bowler from the UK.
Specs. 430rpm,18mph off hand. 11-12deg Tilt, 50-60 deg Rotation. PAP 5 1/4 by 3/4 up.
Mo Pinel. The Guru.
Larry Matthews “The Bowling Professor”
Thong Princess.
Thanks for the FUN times.


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Re: New to Legends/Lane Masters
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2006, 10:04:46 AM »
Charlest....didn't mean to back you into a corner, just appreciate your opinion, it always seems to be dead accurate! Thanks for chiming in!

You've seen BTM, doesn't it appear that both the WC and the Big Bang would be excellent on heavy and still pretty darned good on medium? Please post your experience with the WC once you punch it up.

I'm thinking of grabbing the WC and the Masterpiece as a pretty solid pair to cover THS conditions. (replacing an Action and an Ace, and I've got a highly polished Hot Rod Hybrid that covers the lighter side really well) My only hesitation is with the WC, the BB seems just as versatile (at least from BTM).  Decisions, decisions!!!
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Re: New to Legends/Lane Masters
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2006, 12:31:34 PM »
Charlest....didn't mean to back you into a corner, just appreciate your opinion, it always seems to be dead accurate! Thanks for chiming in!

You've seen BTM, doesn't it appear that both the WC and the Big Bang would be excellent on heavy and still pretty darned good on medium?

While I like BTM, be careful not to form your total opinion of a ball SOLELY on their review. I think they're good, but you need more.

I think the BBB is stronger than the World Classs overall. As an initial take, the WC is PROBABLY best on medium+ to medium-heavy, while the BB broaches on the AP2 territory or medium-heavy to virtually true heavy.
NOTE, again, this is my first guess, based on the review plus some other's input.


Please post your experience with the WC once you punch it up.

I will ... eventually.


I'm thinking of grabbing the WC and the Masterpiece as a pretty solid pair to cover THS conditions. (replacing an Action and an Ace, and I've got a highly polished Hot Rod Hybrid that covers the lighter side really well) My only hesitation is with the WC, the BB seems just as versatile (at least from BTM).  Decisions, decisions!!!
Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.

Again, that's a decision you'll have to make. I suspect an MP and a WC will make a dynamite combo for medium to heavier oils.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."
(That includes me too, at times! )

"None are so blind as those who will not see."