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Author Topic: Problem with Pyramid Curse  (Read 12231 times)


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Problem with Pyramid Curse
« on: March 16, 2017, 05:21:11 PM »
I am admittedly the proverbial death on wheels when it comes to using a spinner. Having said that, I can get somewhere close to where I want to be on everything eventually. However, the day I touched my beloved Pyramid Curse, it was all over. I have tried every combination I can think of by hand, spinner, pressure changes, kind words and soft lights, I've tried it all. This is a ball where I can actually see a really good core inside struggling to get out, but this ball just will not do anything once the coverstock was touched initially. My first reaction of course is that there is a problem in the way I'm doing it, but my luck isn't that bad with any others. Self-deprecating comments aside, this is far worse than any I've ever seen, plus it feels and acts different. The cover seems to be made of, only half jokingly, self-healing granite. Actually, that's a great description. In other words, I can barely scratch the surface, it reacts like a rock, much more so than other cover stock, and any life I get out the ball seems to heal, and after four or five shots maximum it's back to a solid shiny rock.

I'm going to dig out the support address for bowling and will send them a note in case it was a bad batch, but otherwise the ball is a paperweight, a real shame since it was great when I bought it, absolutely a pleasant surprise. However, after eight or 10 modifications, there comes a point where the ball is simply not worth any more time.

I know the normal response will be that it's my fault, but no, that's not it this time, especially when compared to 10-15 other balls. This coverstock is different.

Any feedback or experience with the Curse is greatly appreciated as always. I'm hoping someone else has had this problem and knows a solution or reason.

« Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 05:24:13 PM by lefty50 »


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Re: Problem with Pyramid Curse
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2017, 07:58:10 AM »
I don't think this has been mentioned but have you tried a proper oil extraction? 

To be fair, I don't know anything about Pyramid products so take this with a grain of salt, but maybe an oil extraction and a resurface are in order.  Again, I don't really have any experience with the longevity of Pyramid products but I would start there (OE + resurface).  If you can't get back to what you had via surface changes and OE......then I think the first step is just acceptance as much as it sucks. 

I think stories like this are why I always adjust the surface OOB to what I anticipate it being used at so I can always repeat a surface. 

I'm not a guy like, say, Impending Doom.........who demolishes them with the 1500 polished factory finish on all balls and gets that even, predictable, arching but still very flippy, continuous mid-lane reaction.


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Re: Problem with Pyramid Curse
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2017, 08:18:12 AM »
Yes, and he can get that reaction from anywhere... :)

I've only got 10-15 games on the Curse, and out of frustration pretty much tried to resurface it last week, but I've definitely wrecked it. It's the strangest cover I've ever seen. Dang near self healing and reverting, like something from an old science fiction show... That's why I never change the OOB until I need to with a polished ball (and only have 2) , because I want to see what the ball can do and if it works, I know what I want to get it back too. Like I said, it was great OOB, but as soon as I touched it, whammo.

Impending Doom

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Re: Problem with Pyramid Curse
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2017, 01:24:37 PM »
Man, can't a guy just hate a factory finish on a ball???

That reminds me, I didn't change the surface on my Drift before I took it home last night.