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Author Topic: Question for Britton...  (Read 1559 times)


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Question for Britton...
« on: October 21, 2007, 10:11:49 AM »
What is your official arsenal? I am just wondering, as you have many balls on your hands, and I am just wondering which ones you take along with you when you go to league?

Formerly known as KennySkidmore.
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- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
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Re: Question for Britton...
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2007, 06:35:47 PM »
Interesting question. I have 50 balls on ball-racks in my office. Apparently it is suspected that I have a couple of balls that you would refer to as an arsenal ..In my case that is not true ..

I bowl 4 leagues in 4 different Centers. I take 2 balls to each Center and try not to take the same balls each week! There are some of my balls that I haven't used for better then a year .. not because I didn't get good results with them .. just because they aged.

This week I have the following lined up:
Monday .. Roto Grip sd73/Ogre Pearl
Tuesday .. Radar / Frankie May
Wednesday .. Black Widow Pearl/Heist (maybe Nebula)
Thurs .. Uranium HRG / Total NV

Every Sunday I plan the balls I will use during the week. Switching them around in different houses makes it interesting!

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Re: Question for Britton...
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2007, 05:23:49 AM »
Only saw this thread today...

Last time i bowled i had the folowing in my bag

Attitude Shift
T-Road Pearl
Sure Fire
Spare Ball

My bag is normally like a revolving door, which doesnt help my average...but lately I have had the Resurgence and the T-Road pearl as my main two...

I think the Attitude Shift will also be staying in my bag as well, i also have been rotating Sure Fire/Creature lately

The rising would be in there but its too much ball for anything i normally bowl on...

Don't get me wrong, its nice to have choices but it can get confusing if i lose track of what each ball does!

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Edited on 10/23/2007 6:40 AM


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Re: Question for Britton...
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2007, 06:13:02 AM »
Even though I have a dozen balls in store, my current "1st choice" arsenal for league and tournament (when I do not know what I have to expect) is this from light to heavy conditions:

- Spare (Target Zone)
- Black Pure Hammer, 1500 grit, pin above bridge stacked
- Revolution Renegade, polished, pin above ring finger stacked
- Visionary Frankie May Gryphon, 2.000 grit Abralon, pin under ring finger stckled
- Ebonite XXcel, 1.000 grit, pin above ring finger stacked

These balls complement each other well, and unless the lanes are really dry, I can cover anything imaginable with this. Sometimes I might change the overall arsenal in favor to a specific piece I know that will work very well on a specific lane, and then build the arsenal rest around it - mostly with the 1st choice, but also with other balls to avoid too much reaction and/or condition overlapping.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany