I bought all of the Red #2 Hada last night. $6.99 shipped is almost half price!
C'mon tell us the truth, "milo", you're really a distributor, aren't you?
I gots nuttin to say bout dat...
Actually, I only use the Red and bowl four leagues a week plus other stuff on weekends, so I go through a lot. I bought 10 of the 40 piece packs about a year or so ago from a site called BowlingBallFactory.com, but they are gone now.
Heck, I know pro shops who don't 1/4 of the supplies that you seem to have.
Hello Pot, meet Kettle!

I bet I don't have near the inventory of ball maintenance items you have.
Yea, I keep a bit of an inventory of the stuff I know I will need. The #2 Hada patch for $6.99 was too good of a deal to pass up. I did think about buying everything else though.
My local pro shops say the same thing, at least about how many balls I have. If they can't find a ball their customer really wants, then they come to me. LOL