Slap's capsule review This ball rocks!¤t=requim001.jpg
I got my Requiem drilled with a 45 x 4.5 x 30 layout. Last night I used it in league for the first time. The lanes are amf spl with clean backends. This league uses a 43 foot, 4:1 oil pattern with a moderate to high volume of oil. It's supposed to be constant but it plays slightly different week to week. Over the last few week it's played very slick, this week was no exception.
A long and heavy pattern, what a perfect test for this ball. I shoot a clean 224, 181 (3 opens) then I find a groove and go 278 for a 683 series. I left two rocking 6 pins, one in the 8th one on the fill ball. For many of you superstars thats an average night but for a league hack like myself that is FIGJAM territory!

Those scores are my high game and series on Monday nights this season.
This ball is all about controlled power. It moves a lot on the backend but the ball motion is very easy to read.
"Student of the Game" on 4/28/2009 7:31 AM
Edited on 4/28/2009 12:51 PM