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Author Topic: world class  (Read 2367 times)


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world class
« on: March 16, 2006, 09:35:09 AM »
Im just wondering what types of drilling you guys that have used legends have done.  With the higher rg cores I wanted to know how they reacted compared to the lower cores of other companies.  Do they seem to skid more than other balls or does the particle load compensate for that?  

Just trying to get an idea of how to drill my World Class that is going to be my most aggresive ball.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  The current line up of equipment and stats in profile.

Thanks Rob


Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: world class
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2006, 05:40:50 PM »
I have the Big Bang drilled stacked's pretty darn strong.  I know nothing about cores and all that, so I dunno if this is even a ball that would compare...but I figured i migh be able to help?

My Arsenal:
Columbia 300 Action Packed (dulled), Brunswick Ultimate Inferno (polished), Lane Masters Big Bang, Hammer Road Hawg, Storm Tropical Storm, Roto Grip Spare Tire


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Re: world class
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2006, 09:01:18 PM »
Coverstocks are STRONG; The higher RG cores were picked to go WITH, to complement the strong coverstocks. Match(es) made in heaven. DO not think "high RG, therefore they must go long". They DON'T! Use your desired drilling with normal to average results. That is, higher pin placement go longer and snap harder AND handle less oil; lower pins arc more and handle more oil, as per usual.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
(That includes me too, at times! )

Edited on 3/25/2006 10:16 AM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: world class
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2006, 11:43:23 AM »
I decided on the World Class after asking my driller and everyone on this board.
The original NS was up there as a choice but my driller hadnt seen a World Class going.
Thing is he was doing me a favour and it was killing two birds with one stone and there isnt a bad ball in the Ledgends line so I thought we'd give the WC a try.
I used it next day and won my County qualifiers by over 140 pins over 8 games. I think I would have still won with my AP but the look this ball gave me on the lane was something else.
I will do a few more in depth reviews of all my Lane Master/Legends balls when I get the chance.
But for now I would heartilly recommend them to all.
Happy go lucky bowler from the UK.
   Did someone say tough luck
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Happy go lucky bowler from the UK.
Specs. 430rpm,18mph off hand. 11-12deg Tilt, 50-60 deg Rotation. PAP 5 1/4 by 3/4 up.
Mo Pinel. The Guru.
Larry Matthews “The Bowling Professor”
Thong Princess.
Thanks for the FUN times.


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Re: world class
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2006, 12:12:11 PM »
I have 2 new standard's one dulled and one shined up they both work very well for me and hit very hard. I tried the satisfaxtion and it went a mile for me, i dulled it and rolled pretty funny honestly. I resold it for 30.00 with shipping and the guy liked the ball alot that bought it from me. Just shows that some balls just dont match up well for everyone.


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Re: world class
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2006, 05:18:15 PM »
I was stuck between the World Class and the Big Bang.  I ended up with the Big Bang just becuase I wanted to open the lane up a little more.  I have never been able to throw anything with surface.... I usually have all of my stuff polished.

Anyway, the pro shop guy told me to throw it out of box surface, and go from there.   Well, it was unbelievable.  The ball read the midlane so well, and then when it got to the backend, it was all I could ask for.  I have it drilled stacked.  

I have been bowling 2 weeks with this ball... 777, 684... (now, if I could only pick up a 7 pin)


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Re: world class
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2006, 08:58:31 AM »
Hey Ball Death, great shooting bud (you too brinen28)!

I have been using the World Class for the last 3 weeks in the house that I have been struggling in and have had 774, 723 and 676.  The ball is so strong yet it gets thru the heads with ease without burning up and really cuts through the carrydown.  That's the difference to me.  In the past if I used a ball to get thru the heads it wasn't strong enough to handle the carrydown and if I used a stronger ball it used most of it's energy before it got to the pocket and hit flat.

I was a little hesitant about getting the Big Bang because all of the numbers made it look very close to the Kong but with the feedback that I've been hearing it sounds like this new cover is really strong!  I think a Big Bang will be on the way !  I'm bowling in a tournament next month in a house with pro-anvilanes that I remember in the past as being very tight.  

Ball'll probably get yours before me so let us know how it compares to the World Class.  This month's BTM will be reviewing both the World Class and the Big Bang.

Harry....I agree.  We need our own forum!