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Author Topic: ~*The Break VS The Black Widow VIDEO COMPARISON!*~  (Read 10907 times)


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~*The Break VS The Black Widow VIDEO COMPARISON!*~
« on: September 30, 2007, 02:32:16 PM »
Here ya go folks,

I have had a TON of requests to compare the Black Widow and The Break from 900 Global in video form

My thoughts:

I can only imagine the controversy this is going to cause  In the end NO ONE can take away the success of the Black Widow...It is one of the best balls ever made in my eyes.  But after using THE BREAK for a few weeks now, i have noticed that it has a bit more continuation and can handle a little more oil than Widow can.  Does that make it better than the widow?  I dont know thats for you to decide...they both have their place in my eyes...let the debate begin!

Needless to say for 900 Global to get a reaction close to if not stronger than one of the most recently successful bowling balls for their first release, i say BRAVO to them...Great Job Guys!

Disclamer: These are my resuts with these two may have different results...and i have never claimed to be the most accurate bowler in the world, but i feel i gave both balls a fair look in the video....Thanks for watching!

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Re: ~*The Break VS The Black Widow VIDEO COMPARISON!*~
« Reply #31 on: October 03, 2007, 12:50:39 PM »
This thread is so silly.

Its not about which ball is better.

Its about having the right ball for the right condition. Plain and simple.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the


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Re: ~*The Break VS The Black Widow VIDEO COMPARISON!*~
« Reply #32 on: October 03, 2007, 02:49:22 PM »
Djarum made the best comment for this entire thread.  Whats the old saying "it is what it is".  i would laugh if hammer snapped back at him for making the video....cant take the heat stay out of the kitchen, doesnt sound like bar is afraid of it either.  if he wasnt doing a good job noone would give him the balls in the first place.  as you clearly see in the video both balls are on top of each other at one point but down the lane one clearly over turns.  now on a different pattern the break may look to strong.  who cares that it didnt strike, look at the trajectroy thats the important part.  its business and competition, atleast bar isnt like the BJ or BTM reviews that give every ball the same score over and over.  its pointless to read those anymore because everything is a 9 somewhere on the sheet.  its about time someone stepped up grabbed their balls and said here is the look you take it for what you want but this is my unbiased conclusion and i dont care if you like it or not.  i say good job!

Edited on 10/3/2007 2:50 PM


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Re: ~*The Break VS The Black Widow VIDEO COMPARISON!*~
« Reply #33 on: October 03, 2007, 02:53:55 PM »
The reason they all get 9s is because every ball, with the right condition, surface prep, and line to the pocket...will work. There are no magic balls -- there might be a few that are more versatile, or give a reaction shape more conducive to your game, but put any ball in the hands of a good player, and I guarantee you, 110%, that player will strike with the ball. BJI, by the way, only assigns numbers for breakpoint, total hook, and length...I might not agree with the numbers given, but honestly, BTM's subjective rankings are complete BS. How can you say one ball got a 10, or a 9.5, or a 7, on a condition? You know what? I can strike a lot with my Blue Dot when I hit my mark and make good shots. So, based on that, I give it a 10 on every pattern...


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Re: ~*The Break VS The Black Widow VIDEO COMPARISON!*~
« Reply #34 on: October 03, 2007, 03:11:31 PM »
that is the case with BJ but have you ever seen anyone say this ball is the best thing since sliced bread, or eehh its not up to par?  never, cause if they did they would never hear the end of it.  but in Bar's case he has no ties, what does he have to lose, in fact he never said any of it.  he said "you make the call, clearly his break out does the bw, but results may vary".  its not calling one out but hey its better than i give them both 9,9,9.5.


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Re: ~*The Break VS The Black Widow VIDEO COMPARISON!*~
« Reply #35 on: October 03, 2007, 03:18:13 PM »
Take the logos off and I would call it the same ball!
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Re: ~*The Break VS The Black Widow VIDEO COMPARISON!*~
« Reply #36 on: October 03, 2007, 07:21:26 PM »
This thread is so silly.

Its not about which ball is better.

Its about having the right ball for the right condition. Plain and simple.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the

This may be silly, but both are marketed for the same conditions (med/heavy oil). Thanks Bar for shedding some light on the matter. When I did a thread on this many weeks back about Eric and myself comparing the Break and the Widow, people were having a hard time believing that this IS a much more versatile ball and does hook more (comparing layouts as we did and lane conditions). Sometimes you just can't convince anyone if they are just set in their ways and not willing to step outside the box.
Bo Littlefield
AMF300 and 900 Global Staff
The Strike Zone Pro Shop of San Antonio
-only pro shop in Texas with the largest selection and inventory


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Re: ~*The Break VS The Black Widow VIDEO COMPARISON!*~
« Reply #37 on: October 04, 2007, 09:17:33 AM »
...people were having a hard time believing that this IS a much more versatile ball and does hook more.

Yep...Hooks more...Guess that means its better !!!

I told a couple people about it last night and they said they are going to order one off the net today !

...I'll update back when they get them !

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Re: ~*The Break VS The Black Widow VIDEO COMPARISON!*~
« Reply #38 on: October 04, 2007, 09:34:28 AM »
lol, never?


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Re: ~*The Break VS The Black Widow VIDEO COMPARISON!*~
« Reply #39 on: October 04, 2007, 09:36:33 AM »
I told a couple people about it last night and they said they are going to order one off the net today !

...I'll update back when they get them !

Remember, Global stuff is only available via pro shops and is not sold by any online if they cant find them, they will either have to go through their local shop or contact global directly...

just an fyi

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Re: ~*The Break VS The Black Widow VIDEO COMPARISON!*~
« Reply #40 on: October 04, 2007, 10:54:37 AM »
This thread is so silly.

Its not about which ball is better.

Its about having the right ball for the right condition. Plain and simple.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the

This may be silly, but both are marketed for the same conditions (med/heavy oil). Thanks Bar for shedding some light on the matter. When I did a thread on this many weeks back about Eric and myself comparing the Break and the Widow, people were having a hard time believing that this IS a much more versatile ball and does hook more (comparing layouts as we did and lane conditions). Sometimes you just can't convince anyone if they are just set in their ways and not willing to step outside the box.
Bo Littlefield
AMF300 and 900 Global Staff
The Strike Zone Pro Shop of San Antonio
-only pro shop in Texas with the largest selection and inventory

I appologize. I meant the bickering is silly. Thats fine that you feel the break is more versatile. My point is that two balls can be marketed the same way, but have slightly different places in an arsenal. Someone with more revs might appreciate the less hook potential of the BW, where someone who has less revs will appreciate the Breaks greater hook potential. Versatility is completly subjective for the most part. There, in the past, have been a few pieces that no matter what you did were still condition specific for many bowlers.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the

Edited on 10/4/2007 10:56 AM


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Re: ~*The Break VS The Black Widow VIDEO COMPARISON!*~
« Reply #41 on: October 04, 2007, 11:01:45 AM »
hijack time, exactly whats the diff in no selling on the net, and "PM me and I 'll sell you one"?

That's an individual pro shop selling his own stock - he's adding a couple of dollars to the price, tacking on shipping and making a little bit of money.  It's not Ace Mitchell ordering 400 cases of the ball and selling them to pro shops for one set price and dumping the rest to for a lower price.

Basically, distributors aren't making any money off the balls.  Pro shops aren't complaining because the customers can buy the ball cheaper online than the shop can get it from the distributor.

Edit:  and really, this should be discussed in this thread!

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Edited on 10/4/2007 11:03 AM


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Re: ~*The Break VS The Black Widow VIDEO COMPARISON!*~
« Reply #42 on: October 04, 2007, 08:33:20 PM »
Remember, Global stuff is only available via pro shops and is not sold by any online if they cant find them, they will either have to go through their local shop or contact global directly...

just an fyi

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we all know why Britton showcases 900 Global and AMF on his bowling review site,doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure it out,He receives free balls from them,many sources on here have confirmed that,even ex-AMF sale Reps.
Hes been getting freebies from AMF for a while now,thats why he suddenly went all AMF awhile back,now its 900 Global,in a way it did put down Hammer if you ask me.

once you compare a ball to another big time Name like Hammer,you'd better expect not only us users,but thecompany to come down on a HAMMER!!!
Hammer,no other tools needed!


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Re: ~*The Break VS The Black Widow VIDEO COMPARISON!*~
« Reply #43 on: October 04, 2007, 11:43:52 PM »
Remember, Global stuff is only available via pro shops and is not sold by any online if they cant find them, they will either have to go through their local shop or contact global directly...

just an fyi

Owner and Operator of

VISE inserts The OFFICAL grip of

we all know why Britton showcases 900 Global and AMF on his bowling review site,doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure it out,He receives free balls from them,many sources on here have confirmed that,even ex-AMF sale Reps.
Hes been getting freebies from AMF for a while now,thats why he suddenly went all AMF awhile back,now its 900 Global,in a way it did put down Hammer if you ask me.

once you compare a ball to another big time Name like Hammer,you'd better expect not only us users,but thecompany to come down on a HAMMER!!!
Hammer,no other tools needed!

Wow, genius!  Hey, I bet that every ball he has made a video was FREE!

How about you go out, buy a camera (or 2 or 3), some nice video editing software (not the free stuff with Windows), get your own domain name and webhosting, go out and film the shots, and then spend hours working on a 2-3 minute video.....all to get a free bowling ball that probably cost the company all of about $45 to produce.

I don't need a stupid
signature. This is enough.


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Re: ~*The Break VS The Black Widow VIDEO COMPARISON!*~
« Reply #44 on: October 05, 2007, 04:42:38 AM »
Wow, genius!  Hey, I bet that every ball he has made a video was FREE!

Just about...some i have paid for but not many lol

Examples: i paid for the extra secret agent in that video and the widow for this video...

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Re: ~*The Break VS The Black Widow VIDEO COMPARISON!*~
« Reply #45 on: October 05, 2007, 10:00:14 AM »
Wow, genius!  Hey, I bet that every ball he has made a video was FREE!

Just about...some i have paid for but not many lol

Examples: i paid for the extra secret agent in that video and the widow for this video...

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Better man than me.  I personally wouldn't spend my time making a "nice" video for a company unless they wanted to send me the product.

I might make a video, but I wouldn't go through all the extras that you do to fully advertise the product.  I wouldn't give them the "whole package."

I don't need a stupid
signature. This is enough.