I knew a topic like this would come up, and sure enough it has. Chris Barnes right now I'm sure is going over all the adjustments he had in mind that he didn't make and may have worked. Brad Angelo must have been shaking is head that he won with a 160 game, but as a previous poster said, if you put 160 on the board before he bowls, Barnes beats it everytime, but that isn't the way it works. Angelo and Barnes were basing every decision they made off of what was happening throughout the match. If one of them had started a double, or 3 bagger, that completely would have changed the others thought process. A 160 shot in league is more often than not, missed spares. Barnes' 151 was all splits and washouts, another difference. It is fun to watch and imagine how we would have adjusted and played the lanes, but to think that Barnes or Angelo are dropping those scores everytime they get lost is absurd.