Well gee . . where do I start? Can we keep the pace around 225 to 230 instead of 240 to 250? Like I said, the whole point of that is so that bad breaks don't determine results. I'd rather bowl on a shot where YOUR SHOTS make you or break you, not carry. And even if you had a bad break here and there, it wouldn't put you so far down. I'm not saying lower pace to feel closer to them. If they average 250 and a house bowler averages 220, or the pro averages 220 and the house guy averages 190, it's all going to even out. The pros don't like scores that high either. Reasons I didn't bowl? Didn't have the money and don't have a tour card, plus I'd like a chance to practice more often on tougher shots, which doesn't happen very often. When our pba league kicks off this summer, and when the regional tours start, I'm going to bowl regionals, and if I can swing it, I'm going to tour trials. Like I said, I'm not knocking talent, but even the best in the world still don't put those kinds of numbers up on the shark. I think the tougher the shot is, the more parity you're going to see between pro and joe. The more room you have, the better the donks are going to do, but with scoring, there's only so high you can go before eventually a ring ten or a 9 or something gets in your way. I'd love to see a lot lower scoring pace, then you'd see guys like Walter and Norm and Pete back in the limelight a lot more, because they're better than most of the other guys out there. Some of those other guys just throw pins around, and if you have speed and a rev rate and get 3 boards to play with, don't you think that kinda overcomes accuracy?
This is Fluffy. He is the Destroyer of Worlds.