ok, i am sure i will get flammed for saying this and get the well you arent out there bowling and blah blah, if you really think i know nothing about bowling, then that is your choice. i know a lot, not the most and thats the best part still learning.
anyways, i want to know what the point of paying the entry fee of what 300, 400, 500 bucks is to bowl the U.S. Open or any other major event that is open to all and then average 129, 130, 140...why would you want to waste that kind of money to just say "HEY! i bowled the US OPEN" sure its cool to cross with the pros and stuff like that, but go bowl the pro-am if you want to do that...
to me it just seems like a lot of money to waste, am i jealous, absolutely! i dont have the money to fly out there and pay the entry fee otherwise i would! but my main thought is, these guys at the bottom have to know going in they dont stand a chance, why not give that money to someone they know is a good bowler who cant afford it and let them bowl...be a backer to someone so that way at least the money might have chance to be put to good use...
I dont know just my thought on it...scream and yell at me all you want...i do give these guys credit for sticking it out, but it just has to be difficult to know you are shooting 100's even 90's while there are 200's everywhere else...i mean 90?! come on...one spare...wow
RYAN MCDANIEL...University of Wisconsin Whitewater Men''s Bowling...5th place at nationals in 07/08
www.newballz.com/forumgreat new website!!!
Diamonds...she''ll pretty much HAVE to!!!