i may only be 17 but i've bowled on the pba oil patterns and i have to say to bowl even a moderately good game you need to be so accurate, you need to be within an inch each shot of your target, if you get it wide it might hook high or it might just miss the head pin completely, if you pull it it could do the same, you have a 1 possibly 1.5 board strike spot and having to repeat that shot after shot with all the lights and all the preassure of winning $100,000 while bowling on the toughest oil patterns in the world thats a really tough task to be expecting the pro's to average 240s every single telecast, its rediculous so shut up about bowling being boring you have no clue, i watch all the classics and i watch every single week of bowling and so does my family because thats what we love. i plan on bowling throughout my life and bowling in amateurs, i have just started bowling junior bowling tournaments with the cut for scholarships are people who average 215 or more over 9 games. i love bowling and its an american classic and the majority loves it, who doesn't love seeing a robert smith or a tommy jones crank the hell out of a bowling ball having it go to the 1 board and scream back for a strike? throwing the pins around like toys, i love it
Age: 17
Favorite Brand: Track
List of Balls: Track Triton Elite, Track equation, Track Rule Delta 1. All 15 lbs.
High Score: 299
High Series: 723
Favorite Ball: Track equation