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Author Topic: 2006-2007 Predictions  (Read 6192 times)


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2006-2007 Predictions
« on: July 03, 2006, 02:04:41 AM »
I figured we could all have a little fun and make some predictions for the upcoming season of the PBA tour.  Any predictions at all should be interesting, mine are as follows:

- Kelly Kulick will make a tv show but not win yet (she will gain exemption for the next season though)
- Sean Rash will win at least 1 title
- Parker Bohn III will come out of his slump and make more TV shows
- Mike DeVaney will win a title this year
- Brad Angelo will win his first title this year
- TJ will have a good season again but will definitely be slowing down (although I predict a win at the Japan Cup again)
- Walter Ray will beat Earl's record
- Chris Loschetter will win his first title

Please post more, I love PBA buzz...
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Re: 2006-2007 Predictions
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2006, 10:07:50 AM »
Jeff Carter will make a few shows including a Title and probably a show on a Major
Formerly Storm717 and Storm750


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Re: 2006-2007 Predictions
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2006, 10:11:19 AM »
I agree with Kelly Kulick not winning.  I dont think she will make a TV finals, but will come close.  

Sean Rash will win atleast 2 titles, and one could be a major!?!?!

I also think WRW will break Earl's record, and he'll get more than one victory.

Norm Duke will display a great year and win bowler of the year!!  He will have the most titles with atleast 3, possibly 4.


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Re: 2006-2007 Predictions
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2006, 10:32:19 AM »
KK will not make a show. If she does it will be a major.
TJ will win 2 more titles. Be second or third in POY race.
Duke to win 2 titles, one being a major. I believe this will be his POY.
Machuga,Couch,Barnes and Devaney each one title.
WRW - 3 shows, one major win.

Mike Wolfe will continue to progress and make 1-2 shows
Scroggs - one show possibly two, no titles
Mallot & PA - some shows maybe PA 1 title

Super Sleepers: (finger crosser + stars in alignment)
Brian LeClair or Jeff Carter to make championship appearance but lose.


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Re: 2006-2007 Predictions
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2006, 10:35:46 AM »
PA will be top 5 in points, again.
Both Scroggins will win a title
Brad Angelo will contend for bowler of the year
Kulick will be exempt again
Richie Wolfe will be a regular on TV
Flemming will be top non exempt bowler out of the PTQs
WRW won't win a title this year
Dave Traber will make a show out of the PTQs
Chris Barns will win the 'Roll to Richs' again
Mika will win a major
Robert Smith will make back to back shows and that's it
Voss will win another title

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Re: 2006-2007 Predictions
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2006, 07:17:55 PM »
Jones will win another 4 or 5 titles.  
PA will win 2 or 3 titles.
Voss and Duke both in the top 8 in points.
Chris Johnson makes 2-3 shows.
Kelly Kulick makes 2-3 shows.
Bill O'Neill makes 3-4 shows.
Sean Rash makes 2-3 shows.
Lefties will dominate qualyfying and most of matchplay but struggle on TV to the boomers.

Stamp it.
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Re: 2006-2007 Predictions
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2006, 07:23:18 PM »
dale traber will make a show and we will all become violently ill at the sheer sight of him.
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Joe Jr

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Re: 2006-2007 Predictions
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2006, 07:29:33 PM »
Rash will make a few shows
Tommy will win atleast 4 titles again
Parker will have the best year he's had in a few years
Brad still won't win his first title
PA will be in the top 5 in points, win 2-3 titles
Duke will be in the top 5 in point, win 2-3 titles
We'll see Girard again, only this time he'll win
Jeff Carter will make 2+ shows
We'll see Pete, Wolfe(Mike) and Devaney on a few shows

And WRW won't make 1 show! (ok, wishful thinking but I can dream can't I )
- Joe
Formerly Richard Cranium

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Re: 2006-2007 Predictions
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2006, 07:43:11 PM »
1) Jones keeps getting better.
2) Someone stole my idea about Dave Traber making a show from the PTQ.
3) Mark Scroggins finishes higher than his brother in the final points, but Mike wins a title again.
4) At least one and possibly two stops will be won from the PTQs.
5) Angelo wins (sensing a theme here).
6) We see Jeff Carter make at least one show. And in Bizarro World, he makes it from a Cheetah pattern stop.
7) Kelly becomes big news for the first three or four stops of the year as the media follows her, but doesn't win in '06-'07.
8) Del Ballard gets voted through to the Roll For Riches thingy.

And my darkhorse pick...

9) No Sean Rash on TV in 2006-07. Someone's gotta be contrary.



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Re: 2006-2007 Predictions
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2006, 08:00:48 PM »
why is everyone against Kelly Kulick? she clearly has what it takes by making the exempt tour.

she beat what, 120 other bowlers, most men, to make the tour? i think she'll make a couple of shows and maybe even win a title. she definately has the game to win on tour.

So do all the other TT grads.  And the returning exempt bowlers.  They all have good games, make shows, and win titles.  But with only 21 tournaments, figuring a few repeat winners, that leaves 15 or so different winners out of 58 exempt plus 6  others each week.  They can't all win or make shows.  And there are enough others that are significantly better or more experienced (Duke, WRW, Smith, Barnes, Jones,...) that there simply isn't room for everyone to make it.

That said, I hope she does well, does make a show or two, and at the very least retains her exemption through next year.



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Re: 2006-2007 Predictions
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2006, 08:20:32 PM »
Bill Oneill wins twice.
Tommy Jones another 4 titles.
PA two titles.
Chris Hayden wins one title.
Parker Bohn 1 title and 3 finals.
Pete Weber one title.
Richie Wolfe makes a show.
Scroggins Mike one title.
Kelly Kulick looks better than other bowlers...makes no shows.

Lefties have a great year.  They go back to old patterns the last 5 weeks of the season.



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Re: 2006-2007 Predictions
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2006, 08:32:23 PM »
1) Jaros will win a major...


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Re: 2006-2007 Predictions
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2006, 09:50:00 PM »
Bill Oneill wins twice.

Ok Lefty....this cancels out 99.5% of all of your posts on Robert Mushtare.
Respect the Game

Brian Green

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Re: 2006-2007 Predictions
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2006, 11:06:21 PM »
heres my predictions:

Walter ray beats earl anthonys title record

 Brad Angelo makes 3 shows and wins first title

Joe Ciccone Has a career year

Del Ballard makes 2 shows wins once and makes several round of 16's

Norm Duke Wins Player of year  with 2 major titles

tommy jones makes 5 shows  only 1 title

jack Jurek makes 2 shows  and several round of 8's

Jeff Carter wins 1 title with 2 other tv apperances

kelly kulick makes 2 tv shows

tom baker wins a title

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Re: 2006-2007 Predictions
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2006, 11:17:18 PM »
Brad Angelo will not win his first title...He's not ready yet

Joe Ciccone will win his first title....He's hungry right now, and dominating out sport leagues here.

Duke of course will have a good year, as will Tommy.  Both will win a couple titles.

WRW won't win until the gutter opens up like it did at the end of the year last year.  

Michael Haugen Jr.  will have a strong year, and earn an exemption.

Mike Fagan will win his first title.

Pat Allen will be player of the year.  With Track in his hands, he will be a force this year.
Buffalo bowlers are the best all around in the country.

AMF Thruway Lanes Pro Shop employee, and I have no problem saying that I'm Officially a Ball Junkie.