1) Jones keeps getting better.
2) Someone stole my idea about Dave Traber making a show from the PTQ.

3) Mark Scroggins finishes higher than his brother in the final points, but Mike wins a title again.
4) At least one and possibly two stops will be won from the PTQs.
5) Angelo wins (sensing a theme here).
6) We see Jeff Carter make at least one show. And in Bizarro World, he makes it from a Cheetah pattern stop.

7) Kelly becomes big news for the first three or four stops of the year as the media follows her, but doesn't win in '06-'07.

Del Ballard gets voted through to the Roll For Riches thingy.
And my darkhorse pick...
9) No Sean Rash on TV in 2006-07. Someone's gotta be contrary.