Rash has been missing that tooth for better half of 5+ years, possibly 10. As far as insurance goes, i cant speak for today's PBA, but years ago Walter Ray Williams Jr. was petitioning to try and start some sort of insurance for the full time players. No one in the paddock would jump on board with him and it sorta went away. MOST of full timers back then fell into a 3 categories: 1. wife held a normal job with insurance and was the actual main support 2. They own proshops or managed bowling centers to actually support themselves 3. lived by the seat of their pants, lol. Look at the number 2 bowler of all time. Pete Weber, my idol growing up, loved him. He lives in a house smaller than 2000 square foot with maybe 1/4 acre of property. The kids today have more avenues to make money and most make more money bowling the non-tour tournaments. Professional bowling has been dead for decades, we as fans just havent seen that. Getting your card is sadly a joke today. The PBA CATERS to Belmo. Ever wonder why events are combined around the same time, so he can go back home and stay home for longer periods of time. I love this sport, but its just sad where it is now.