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Author Topic: 2023 US Open  (Read 18667 times)


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2023 US Open
« on: February 06, 2023, 08:35:43 AM »
So, Us Open concluded yesterday, thought the pattern choices this year were interesting as always and lead up to the show with the BowlTV coverage was really well done.

Extra show on FS1 Saturday for the 5-9 seeds was a lot better of an idea in my opinion than I thought before it happened.

The TV show on Fox yesterday was really good, but had the unfortunate deal of the first match getting bumped to FS2 due to college basketball, and a very rushed trophy and jacket presentation because of the time crunch in the time slot.

All that said, what a freaking show though, coming down to a bowler having to deliver in the tenth frame to win is everything you can ask for. Really good start to hopefully a really good season for the PBA.
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Re: 2023 US Open
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2023, 08:42:48 AM »
Looks like the shock is still the bomb !


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Re: 2023 US Open
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2023, 11:25:43 AM »
When E.J. threw that second frame shot, I thought, "Here he goes imploding, again." I'm glad he didn't and got the win.
Balls: Motiv Trident Abyss, Motiv Mythic Jackal, Motiv Trident Odyssey, Motiv Venom Shock, Motiv Hyper Venom and Motiv Hyper Sniper. All made in the USA. Long live the Turbulent core!


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Re: 2023 US Open
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2023, 05:14:59 PM »
Good showing by local Frank Snodgrass, part of the strong Turbo group here in Chesterfield,Mi


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Re: 2023 US Open
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2023, 11:17:04 PM »
Good showing by local Frank Snodgrass, part of the strong Turbo group here in Chesterfield,Mi

Salt River Lanes on 23 Mile still around? 
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

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Re: 2023 US Open
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2023, 11:09:54 AM »
>> Salt River Lanes on 23 Mile still around?

Nope. Been gone for quite a few years.
Balls: Motiv Trident Abyss, Motiv Mythic Jackal, Motiv Trident Odyssey, Motiv Venom Shock, Motiv Hyper Venom and Motiv Hyper Sniper. All made in the USA. Long live the Turbulent core!


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Re: 2023 US Open
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2023, 01:25:00 PM »
When E.J. threw that second frame shot, I thought, "Here he goes imploding, again." I'm glad he didn't and got the win.

Go back and rewatch this shot, someone in the the crowd clearly yells before the ball left his hand. I can’t believe ej nor the announcers didn’t say anything. I suppose it could be coincidence that his one awful shot happened at the same time as this
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Re: 2023 US Open
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2023, 04:23:41 PM »
When E.J. threw that second frame shot, I thought, "Here he goes imploding, again." I'm glad he didn't and got the win.

Go back and rewatch this shot, someone in the the crowd clearly yells before the ball left his hand. I can’t believe ej nor the announcers didn’t say anything. I suppose it could be coincidence that his one awful shot happened at the same time as this

Makes you wonder if someone didn't know the ramifications of that shot, going into that shot. I mean, EJ wasn't just going for the win; he had the chance to complete the Triple Crown in his home state.. outside the fact that we could have had another PDW moment.



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Re: 2023 US Open
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2023, 07:35:43 PM »
When E.J. threw that second frame shot, I thought, "Here he goes imploding, again." I'm glad he didn't and got the win.

Go back and rewatch this shot, someone in the the crowd clearly yells before the ball left his hand. I can’t believe ej nor the announcers didn’t say anything. I suppose it could be coincidence that his one awful shot happened at the same time as this

Makes you wonder if someone didn't know the ramifications of that shot, going into that shot. I mean, EJ wasn't just going for the win; he had the chance to complete the Triple Crown in his home state.. outside the fact that we could have had another PDW moment.


I was thinking the same thing, even if that was simonsen (who I will say was more collected than in the past) I feel like something would have been said. Especially given the result of the shot.
We are the diamonds that chose to stay coal

max revs

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Re: 2023 US Open
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2023, 03:25:39 AM »
I was at the show it was awesome. A few of the guys during tv timeouts was joking it up with the crowd and just having fun. I dont remember hearing some yell in the second frame when EJ was throwing but a fan did yell split when he was getting ready to start his approach in the 7th frame or so. Other then that it was a great show and lots of good matches. Another great moment not sure if the cameras caught it was when EJ got a messenger and Troup got up and pull out his extra pick the red one and was offering it to EJ as he walked by they both started laughing really cool moment on the biggest stage.


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Re: 2023 US Open
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2023, 10:46:38 AM »
It is ridiculous that bowlers require complete silence when executing a shot and in the same breath, want to claim that bowing is a sport. Weak minds. Lack of ability to concentrate and focus. It’s not like you have to worry about a 6’4 245 pound elite athlete coming from your blind side and taking you out.

Nobody hit your arm or tripped you up. Rather than focusing, blocking everything else out, and executing the shot, you screwed the pooch and botched the shot. Weak minded people looking for an excuse for not performing under pressure.


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Re: 2023 US Open
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2023, 01:31:47 PM »
It is ridiculous that bowlers require complete silence when executing a shot and in the same breath, want to claim that bowing is a sport. Weak minds. Lack of ability to concentrate and focus. It’s not like you have to worry about a 6’4 245 pound elite athlete coming from your blind side and taking you out.

Nobody hit your arm or tripped you up. Rather than focusing, blocking everything else out, and executing the shot, you screwed the pooch and botched the shot. Weak minded people looking for an excuse for not performing under pressure.

For the pros, one shot can mean winning $100,000.  It's not like league bowling or tournament/squad bowling.  I agree that they should have better focus under pressure than the typical bowler, however it isn't unreasonable for them to want quiet.  No different than pro golfers demanding quiet while there are thousands of spectators watching on an outdoor course.


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Re: 2023 US Open
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2023, 02:56:26 PM »
It is ridiculous that bowlers require complete silence when executing a shot and in the same breath, want to claim that bowing is a sport. Weak minds. Lack of ability to concentrate and focus. It’s not like you have to worry about a 6’4 245 pound elite athlete coming from your blind side and taking you out.

Nobody hit your arm or tripped you up. Rather than focusing, blocking everything else out, and executing the shot, you screwed the pooch and botched the shot. Weak minded people looking for an excuse for not performing under pressure.

That 6'4", 245 pound guy is also accompanied by background noise of the crowd and other players at the game to provide ambient background noise to not interrupt a person's concentration. There is no such background/ambient noise at the finals of a tournament, PGA, PBA, PWBA, or otherwise.

Keep in mind that they tried having that noise on the TV finals back in the early 2000s; it wasn't well accepted.



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Re: 2023 US Open
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2023, 01:23:05 PM »
It is ridiculous that bowlers require complete silence when executing a shot and in the same breath, want to claim that bowing is a sport. Weak minds. Lack of ability to concentrate and focus. It’s not like you have to worry about a 6’4 245 pound elite athlete coming from your blind side and taking you out.

Nobody hit your arm or tripped you up. Rather than focusing, blocking everything else out, and executing the shot, you screwed the pooch and botched the shot. Weak minded people looking for an excuse for not performing under pressure.

I don’t disagree that it should be completely silent during bowling matches on TV. However, if you are throwing multiple shots in a row with it completely quiet, and then someone prematurely yells there isn’t a single person that’s not going to distract I personally would prefer bowling to be the way it is, when they are at Bayside bowl, even using golf as an example this past weekend at the waste management, and hole 16 were everyone is yelling the whole time.
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Re: 2023 US Open
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2023, 03:51:27 PM »
I agree that the lone stream or camera flash will distract most. I just don’t think it has helped bowling to make the audience sit as though they are in church. Let drink, shout have fun.