My friend had a guy on our league (both are right handed) come up to him last week and say: "I would like to see a week where there are 9 lefties on a pair and only one righty, what do you think they would do then, huh?! My friend, not missing a beat says: "They would probably b!tch like all of us righties do all the time"! I think that about puts things in proper perspective now doesn't it!
If you have that big of a lefty hang up, here's a suggestion: BOWL LEFT HANDED!Only then will you see that we too have to work at creating a line, which can be hard to do sometimes (I know it seems impossible, doesn't it?) when your are the only one moving oil around and down the lane. When I face a shot where I need some mid lane push, guess what, I am screwed and have to work extra hard to find a line (what a concept, I don't blame the other side because they are doing well, I ACTUALLY adjust and try to beat them, what a novice idea!). There are times the left side plays easier, there is no doubt about that, especially when lanes break down quick and we can hold line longer before moving (We may not move as much, but guess what, we still move!). In the end, the cream rises to the top over the course of a season (or in this case the PBA season), and you will see the better lefties (i.e. PA, PB3, etc.) will finish high and the lower tier guys will remain, well, lower tier guys. You have to have talent no matter what hand you bowl with, it just seems there is much more complaining when there are lefties bowling well, than when righties are dominating.
When you are left handed you are in a catch 22 all the time. If righties dominate they say the shot was "even" and "fair", but when lefties bowl well the shot is "stacked in their favor". I have never said to a right handed bowler when I lost to them in match play, "gee looks like the right side is walled up, no lefty has a shot against the wall you guys have". NO, because I respect the people that bowl well regardless of the hand they throw the ball with. I wish more righties had the same respect for lefties when they bowl well.