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Author Topic: A New Sean Rash  (Read 18255 times)


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A New Sean Rash
« on: January 13, 2014, 02:50:13 PM »

And I have to say, I like what I see.

I just caught up on the WTBA finals, and it is good to see Rash more calm in his demeanor, and more focused. There were less outbursts than what we see from him, and less of those demons getting into his head. And there is absolutely no doubt what changed him; we saw that as he walked out during the introductions, and after his match.

Congratulations are definitely in order for him and Sara, as that baby is adorable. And to be honest, because of her giving him that new focus, we may have seen the last of the cocky, brazen Sean Rash that fueled the rivalry between him and Belmonte; we may have even seen the last of that, as now he has to be the example to his daughter.

But I also have to say that after seeing him walk out with her, I really feel for the Blanchards. It does hurt to see someone walk around with a newborn, when you've done all you could, and lose your baby. I've witnessed that firsthand.

Either way, I think we'll see a wiser, more fatherly Sean Rash in the future.




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Re: A New Sean Rash
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2014, 03:52:52 PM »
Great post - had the same thought as I was watching the show.  While I admit that I was rooting for Fagen, I did not have a problem with Rash pulling out the win. 
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Re: A New Sean Rash
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2014, 04:02:57 PM »
Great post - had the same thought as I was watching the show.  While I admit that I was rooting for Fagen, I did not have a problem with Rash pulling out the win.

I didn't either. It reminded me of Rash's first win on tour, and ha tRash was one I liked as well. But the way he went after Belmo lost a fair amount of respect by me, and.. there just were better ways of handling it.

Now, he's earning it back, and I'd love to see how he handles himself in the next major he makes the telecast in.



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Re: A New Sean Rash
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2014, 11:45:12 AM »
I agree, and a newborn can really change people and bring out the characteristics of a person you can't readily see. Good job, Sean on the win!

(Hopefully Sean Rash 2.0 will have less shot clock violations too haha...1 less shotclock violation can mean being able to purchase 1,500 more diapers)


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Re: A New Sean Rash
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2014, 12:16:25 PM »
He still annoys me.  He jokes about his own balks, and I think he is still a head case with exceptional talent.

He's just one of those personalities that will always rub me the wrong way. I can't remember a tv match where I wasn't rooting for his opponent.


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Re: A New Sean Rash
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2014, 01:34:33 PM »
Like Barnes and Pete Weber, I think Rash has started off so poorly in his PBA career that no matter what changes he makes in his life, many of the fans who do not like him now, will not change their opinion of him.

People, who are more open minded, will watch him, and if he has truly made some changes in his behavior, they will come to appreciate him and his skill set.

Some people are likeable no matter what they seem to do.
Other people are not likeable no matter how nice they try to be.

On the other hand, some bowlers were Jekyl and Hyde, depending on whether they had a ball in their hand or not:
Not many young people will remember what stars like Dick Weber, Don Carter, and Earl Anthony were like on and off the lanes. On the lanes, no matter who you were, you were their bitter enemy. Once they stepped off the approach, they were your best friend.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: A New Sean Rash
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2014, 02:37:22 PM »
Like Barnes and Pete Weber, I think Rash has started off so poorly in his PBA career that no matter what changes he makes in his life, many of the fans who do not like him now, will not change their opinion of him.

I'll admit, I was that way with Weber. I had known him for a while, as he bowled in my PBA region, but everyone flocked to him as if he was the be all/end all of the PBA even at that time (late 80s/early 90s).  He was cocky, brazen, and gave off the impression that he was always an absolute ass. Phenomenal bowler, but a jerk.

Then I watched A League of Ordinary Gentlemen. That changed my entire outlook on him, especially as up until Dick's passing, he was living up to his father, and in the minds of some people, under his shadow.

I think the opinions people had of Pete would have been drastically different if there were a time when Dick had to bowl Pete for a title. Then we'd see true colours.

Same with Barnes, especially in the fact that he even admits that as good as he is, his wife beats him regularly. That's not only edifying his wife, but that's also being humble. In that same movie, you understand why he does what he does, and it gives you different perspective on his life as well.

It's really worth watching, especially with the four storylines it has going on in it.

People, who are more open minded, will watch him, and if he has truly made some changes in his behavior, they will come to appreciate him and his skill set.

Some people are likeable no matter what they seem to do.
Other people are not likeable no matter how nice they try to be.

True. But that also doesn't mean that they aren't respected for the talent that they have and that they put themselves out there for our entertainment.

On the other hand, some bowlers were Jekyl and Hyde, depending on whether they had a ball in their hand or not:
Not many young people will remember what stars like Dick Weber, Don Carter, and Earl Anthony were like on and off the lanes. On the lanes, no matter who you were, you were their bitter enemy. Once they stepped off the approach, they were your best friend.

Two good cases in point: Mika and Barnes. Best friends, godparents to each other's children, and always playing jokes on eachother. Yet when they are bowling eachother they are fierce rivals.

Duke and Voss. These guys live close to eachother, and go out golfing all the time. Bowled eachother for titles all the time, and I remember one match distinctly where at the end, Voss told Duke that he'd buy him a beer afterwards.

Back to Rash. While Pete is trying to be the elder statesman but still be PDW, Rash was coming up as the PBA's new bad boy. And in a sense, he did become it. Now that they have Kaley, I think that bad boy image got sent packing. He's still in his head when it comes to wanting to win and execution, but I think that if he concentrates more on outside factors (read: baby smiling/cooing/laughing, etc.) he'll not stay in his head as he has and executes without even thinking about it.



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Re: A New Sean Rash
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2014, 03:08:18 PM »

People, who are more open minded, will watch him, and if he has truly made some changes in his behavior, they will come to appreciate him and his skill set.

I greatly appreciate his skillset and it's amazing to watch how effortless it is to watch him throw it.  I also don't disrespect the man, he just annoys the hell out of me.

I consider myself quite open minded, but he's the guy I like to root against.


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Re: A New Sean Rash
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2014, 06:50:39 PM »
It's hard to change 30 years of being a *D* in a matter of weeks


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Re: A New Sean Rash
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2014, 08:55:00 AM »

People, who are more open minded, will watch him, and if he has truly made some changes in his behavior, they will come to appreciate him and his skill set.

I greatly appreciate his skillset and it's amazing to watch how effortless it is to watch him throw it.  I also don't disrespect the man, he just annoys the hell out of me.

I consider myself quite open minded, but he's the guy I like to root against.

Granted. In my reply (and, I believe in the original poster's statement) I was talking about how likable the bowler is, not how good a bowler he is. Most rational people will be able to separate the person from his abilities to bowl.

I think that Pete Weber is possibly the most gifted, talented and tenacious bowler to have ever picked up a bowling ball. As a person, however, even after recognizing that he has definitely become more of an adult over the past 10 years or so, I still find it difficult to warm up to him. That might change if I met him in person. I don't know.

On the other hand there are some bowlers that I want to like, just because of their bowling style and the way they handle themselves on TV. Heck, after all, on TV is where we see these people 99% of the time. (Why Brian Voss hasn't won 50 tournaments is beyond me.) Yes, we can meet them. People often change their opinions about bowlers, after one bad local encounter. Bu after all, your own mother or father can appear to be a bad person if your only personal encounter with them was after something terrible happened to them.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: A New Sean Rash
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2014, 04:17:37 PM »
As far as I'm concerned, Rash was exactly right to "go after" Belmonte.  Belmonte distracted him purposely and that wasn't the only time he's come under fire for doing the exact same thing.  The Aussie is too cocky and I don't now and never did appreciate the way him and his style were jammed down our throats.  I also find it rather humorous that you guys complain about the lack of bowling audiences for the PBA when it is fiery competitors and bad blood between them that make for watchable rivalries.  You guys should really make up your minds.   
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.


Jason Kovack

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Re: A New Sean Rash
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2014, 04:23:18 PM »
Being a fellow staffer of seans, what a lot of people don't see is how much this guy gives back to the game. Yes it is part of his job but I can tell you he goes above and beyond with travelling to promote bowling and helping the youth bowlers out. 
Jason Kovack

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Long Gone Daddy

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Re: A New Sean Rash
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2014, 06:35:34 PM »
Exactly.  I wonder how any of these "judges of character" react when their supervisor or boss tell them they are doing a crappy job or maybe they recognize it themselves?  Think they might mutter under their breath?  Think they might show negative emotions?  Think they might react?  Why are pro bowlers held up to superhuman angelic standards.  Baseball player can argue with the ump.  Hockey player can get in a fight.  Football, there's the the bottom of the pile.  But pro bowlers need to be calm and serene as some jackhole distracts him and he doesn't make a shot that is the difference from paying for that new furnace or roof the house needs.  I just wish people on these bowling forums would come off it.  Just for one freaking day.   
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: A New Sean Rash
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2014, 06:53:56 PM »
Well I will tell you I had the chance to see Rash close up and personal.

Just so happened at the Illinois State Tourney last year we had the privilege of being on the lanes next to Rash. He was nothing but nice and respectable to everyone on the lanes. He took all my bracket money but that is another story.LOL

He even took the time to take a picture with my buddy who won a Brunswick ball in the raffle.

And after seeing him bowl, I can only dream of getting that many revs on a ball. 


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Re: A New Sean Rash
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2014, 10:11:42 PM »
As far as I'm concerned, Rash was exactly right to "go after" Belmonte.  Belmonte distracted him purposely and that wasn't the only time he's come under fire for doing the exact same thing.  The Aussie is too cocky and I don't now and never did appreciate the way him and his style were jammed down our throats.  I also find it rather humorous that you guys complain about the lack of bowling audiences for the PBA when it is fiery competitors and bad blood between them that make for watchable rivalries.  You guys should really make up your minds.   
I personally wanted this little "feud/hatred" to go on for a while.  This brings people to shows and gets them talking.  And bowling right now needs that "buzz factor".  Golf had tiger, baseball the Big Mac/Sammy feud. We need that press to open the sport up to more of an audience.