I'm sorry, but silence is so freaking important for these guys while bowling, then why in the hell don't they bring ear plugs so noises won't bother them? Seriously, bowlers getting upset at the crowd for making noises is inexcusable. The pro's are putting themselves on such a pedestal, thinking they are truly better than everybody, and forget what bowling really is. This isn't the PGA at elite country clubs where you have to pay $2-300 a round, plus be a member of the country club, it's a social game that in much of the world, revolves around drinking.
They need to get away from this golf atmosphere they are promoting, and relate it to more of what bowling really is, a fun social sport. Baseball, football, basketball, soccer players all get heckled, and they still perform. How many times have you seen a basketball player sinking 2 free throws to win the game with the crowd going nuts trying to distract them? We've all seen college kids in national tourney's win games with free throws in the final seconds, saving their team from elimination. If a bowler can't throw a ball with some noise in the background, they don't belong on the tour IMO.