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Author Topic: An unpopular statement  (Read 19848 times)


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An unpopular statement
« on: April 08, 2013, 04:06:19 AM »
Kelly Kulick is a great bowler, of course.  She's good enough to be an exempt PBA member, and she's good enough to have made a telecast, which was in fact a major.  As an icon in the bowling world, she serves to remind that women's bowling is still alive, and that occassionally some of those bowlers can compete on the PBA tour.  In fact, Kelly is considered by many to be one of the Great Bowlers of Our Time (tm).  Bear this in mind when I say the following:

Kelly Kulick is extremely overrated.

Now, to explain why I bother posting this.

At times, it seems every flippin' person on the entire doggone planet has lost their sense of perspective when it comes to Kelly.  When I talk bowling with someone (especially casual bowling fans), something along the lines of "Kelly Kulick is the greatest!" always seems to come up (and don't get me started on YouTube!).  All the time.  It boggles my mind.  When I ask why she is so great, the response is always 1) SHE WON THE ToC AND SHE'S A WOMAN PROVING WOMEN AND MEN ARE EQUAL!!!!! (disregarding that if you honestly believed we were completely equal, this would be much less of a big deal to you), or 2) Kelly is the most dominant female bowler in the last several years.  Granted, she's been curb-stomping everyone in the women's majors, and I have no problem considering her the greatest FEMALE bowler.  But that's just it.  Using a qualification won against a field completely (with one or two exceptions) comprised of bowlers who either can't or won't shoe up on the PBA tour means absolutely squat when comparing against other PBA champions.  As for the Tournament of Champions...her victory at the ToC a few years ago did not end the debate concerning the athletic equality of men and women.  Neither did it establish an everlasting dynasty of dominance over the PBA tour.  It was a single tv appearance.  Her only singles PBA tv appearance.

Anybody remember who John Nolen is?  That's what I thought.  But, for some reason, Kelly is elevated above and beyond what she has achieved.

Kelly is far from the greatest.  If she were great, as an exempt touring PBA player she would be making multiple shows a season.  Heck, even one show a season, assuming a poor WSOB showing.  And most importantly, if she were great she would be a threat for a title each week.

Kelly Kulick achieved something great.  Let's call a spade a spade and just leave it at that.  She's pro, for sure, but come on.

A dose of reality for the road: Wayne Garber has more singles telecast appearances on the PBA tour than Kelly Kulick.  Since Kelly's ToC victory, they both only have one (you read that right, ONE) match play appearance, according to



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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #61 on: June 01, 2013, 07:02:27 PM »
The only "unpopular statement" relating to Kelly Kulick is that unforgettable moment on TV when Kelly hands the TOC trophy to her mom, who clearly replies, "I'll make it an ashtray." This isn't new -- we all heard it. Is it possible that the trophy is actually full of cigarette ashes next to the couch?