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Author Topic: An unpopular statement  (Read 19845 times)


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An unpopular statement
« on: April 08, 2013, 04:06:19 AM »
Kelly Kulick is a great bowler, of course.  She's good enough to be an exempt PBA member, and she's good enough to have made a telecast, which was in fact a major.  As an icon in the bowling world, she serves to remind that women's bowling is still alive, and that occassionally some of those bowlers can compete on the PBA tour.  In fact, Kelly is considered by many to be one of the Great Bowlers of Our Time (tm).  Bear this in mind when I say the following:

Kelly Kulick is extremely overrated.

Now, to explain why I bother posting this.

At times, it seems every flippin' person on the entire doggone planet has lost their sense of perspective when it comes to Kelly.  When I talk bowling with someone (especially casual bowling fans), something along the lines of "Kelly Kulick is the greatest!" always seems to come up (and don't get me started on YouTube!).  All the time.  It boggles my mind.  When I ask why she is so great, the response is always 1) SHE WON THE ToC AND SHE'S A WOMAN PROVING WOMEN AND MEN ARE EQUAL!!!!! (disregarding that if you honestly believed we were completely equal, this would be much less of a big deal to you), or 2) Kelly is the most dominant female bowler in the last several years.  Granted, she's been curb-stomping everyone in the women's majors, and I have no problem considering her the greatest FEMALE bowler.  But that's just it.  Using a qualification won against a field completely (with one or two exceptions) comprised of bowlers who either can't or won't shoe up on the PBA tour means absolutely squat when comparing against other PBA champions.  As for the Tournament of Champions...her victory at the ToC a few years ago did not end the debate concerning the athletic equality of men and women.  Neither did it establish an everlasting dynasty of dominance over the PBA tour.  It was a single tv appearance.  Her only singles PBA tv appearance.

Anybody remember who John Nolen is?  That's what I thought.  But, for some reason, Kelly is elevated above and beyond what she has achieved.

Kelly is far from the greatest.  If she were great, as an exempt touring PBA player she would be making multiple shows a season.  Heck, even one show a season, assuming a poor WSOB showing.  And most importantly, if she were great she would be a threat for a title each week.

Kelly Kulick achieved something great.  Let's call a spade a spade and just leave it at that.  She's pro, for sure, but come on.

A dose of reality for the road: Wayne Garber has more singles telecast appearances on the PBA tour than Kelly Kulick.  Since Kelly's ToC victory, they both only have one (you read that right, ONE) match play appearance, according to



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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2013, 10:35:21 AM »
But to flip it on you when that same minority goes for an interview and clearly is more qualified than you, how is it that you still get the job?????  That happens more times than you getting bumped.

Oh am I? If I fill out an application with the US Army Corp of Engineers (or any other government position) and I equally qualified to a minority applicant or female applicant they are automatically bumped ahead of me. That is a FACT. Jobs are awarded based on a computer points system. Additional points are added to minority and female applicants. How is that fair? Same goes for contractors. If I bid the same as a minority contractor 9 times out of 10 a big corporation is going with the minority just because they are scared someone will yell discrimination.

I'm not complaining. It is what it is.


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2013, 10:53:12 AM »
If he or she is more qualified then I would not even get an interview.

My point is: It works both ways. Everyone is discriminated in some way shape or form, white, black, Hispanic, heterosexual, gay, single, married, male, female, kids, or no kids, etc. Hell look at our tax system. A responsible single adult is penalized for being smart and not having 10 kids. Life isn't fair. Shut up and deal with it like the everyone else.


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2013, 10:58:52 AM »
Oh but you would, and that is why a lot of this has been put in place.  Now I will give you that most of it is over, but there is still a lot that is not.

See, your point just basically shoots you in the foot.  The problem that is happening now is that the people that claim to be "discriminated" against were the ones that were doing it, and they don't like that it is now happening to them one bit.

Heck why do you think politics is set up the way it is.  those in power realized this a long time ago, so they set up the system so that it would be VERY hard to get them out of power.

If he or she is more qualified then I would not even get an interview.

My point is: It works both ways. Everyone is discriminated in some way shape or form, white, black, Hispanic, heterosexual, gay, single, married, male, female, kids, or no kids, etc. Hell look at our tax system. A responsible single adult is penalized for being smart and not having 10 kids. Life isn't fair. Shut up and deal with it like the everyone else.


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2013, 11:34:53 AM »
No, my point is that they are shutting up and dealing with it. It's time for everyone to shut up, deal with the fact that it happens to everyone these days, and move on to something else.


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2013, 12:04:03 PM »
It would be nice if it could work that way. ::)
There is still WAY too much stuff going on to turn a blind eye.
Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean that it's not happening.

No, my point is that they are shutting up and dealing with it. It's time for everyone to shut up, deal with the fact that it happens to everyone these days, and move on to something else.


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2013, 01:14:12 PM »
Oh am I? If I fill out an application with the US Army Corp of Engineers (or any other government position) and I equally qualified to a minority applicant or female applicant they are automatically bumped ahead of me. That is a FACT. Jobs are awarded based on a computer points system. Additional points are added to minority and female applicants. How is that fair? Same goes for contractors. If I bid the same as a minority contractor 9 times out of 10 a big corporation is going with the minority just because they are scared someone will yell discrimination.

I'm not complaining. It is what it is.

As a Black/American Indian with a degree and having worked with the government and in big corporations, I have to say that you don't have any bloody idea of what you are talking about.

Your lot hasn't had to deal with racism and fighting for equality for almost 200 years after this country was founded.

Your lot hasn't had land taken away from you, despite your people being here before other people stepped off the boat from being kicked out to escape religious persecution.

Your lot hasn't had their entire culture nearly stripped away and being assimilated into other cultures/ways of life.

You and your ancestors have had everything granted to you since the day you and they were born, yet people like myself were treated as second and third class citizens and had to fight for every single bit of progress we have made, and now you want to play the victim. You don't know how idiotic and foolish you sound right now.

You say that you are only saying what other people are too scared to say? You're right. Only a bloody idiot like yourself would be foolish to say what you have, and try to play the victim.

Oh.. I bet that in your eyes, in the 5 300 games I've bowled, I probably had a pin knocked down by the mechanic in at least 1 frame so when I strung 12 in a row, it wouldn't be "discrimination".  ::)

I'd say a hell of a lot more, but I really don't need to because I know that just from your comment alone, I must be doing something right because I'm better than you. Much, Much better than you, and it burns you to realize that.

So do keep this up. We all now know who you really are, and how anything you say could be taken with a grain of salt.



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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2013, 01:27:14 PM »
Bradl, you are just as foolish if you think only minorities only have to work hard to gain anything. 


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2013, 01:31:02 PM »
Bradl, you are just as foolish if you think only minorities only have to work hard to gain anything.

I never said that. What I am saying is that because things are now on equal footing with everyone, that someone would complain that things aren't fair for white males after they have had an advantage over every other race in this country since its inception, is a crock.

If you want the breaks, work hard for them. You don't complain about things not being fair after keeping others who haven't had a fair shot down. You make yourself into a better person and work hard at it. Complaining about it makes you look childish until you do something positive to affect change in everyone.



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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2013, 01:39:29 PM »
Oh am I? If I fill out an application with the US Army Corp of Engineers (or any other government position) and I equally qualified to a minority applicant or female applicant they are automatically bumped ahead of me. That is a FACT. Jobs are awarded based on a computer points system. Additional points are added to minority and female applicants. How is that fair? Same goes for contractors. If I bid the same as a minority contractor 9 times out of 10 a big corporation is going with the minority just because they are scared someone will yell discrimination.

I'm not complaining. It is what it is.

As a Black/American Indian with a degree and having worked with the government and in big corporations, I have to say that you don't have any bloody idea of what you are talking about.

Your lot hasn't had to deal with racism and fighting for equality for almost 200 years after this country was founded.

Your lot hasn't had land taken away from you, despite your people being here before other people stepped off the boat from being kicked out to escape religious persecution.

Your lot hasn't had their entire culture nearly stripped away and being assimilated into other cultures/ways of life.

You and your ancestors have had everything granted to you since the day you and they were born, yet people like myself were treated as second and third class citizens and had to fight for every single bit of progress we have made, and now you want to play the victim. You don't know how idiotic and foolish you sound right now.You say that you are only saying what other people are too scared to say? You're right. Only a bloody idiot like yourself would be foolish to say what you have, and try to play the victim.

Oh.. I bet that in your eyes, in the 5 300 games I've bowled, I probably had a pin knocked down by the mechanic in at least 1 frame so when I strung 12 in a row, it wouldn't be "discrimination".  ::)

I'd say a hell of a lot more, but I really don't need to because I know that just from your comment alone, I must be doing something right because I'm better than you. Much, Much better than you, and it burns you to realize that.

So do keep this up. We all now know who you really are, and how anything you say could be taken with a grain of salt.


Oh my bad I misunderstood the bold part


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #25 on: May 06, 2013, 02:36:54 PM »

Oh my bad I misunderstood the bold part

No problem!  :)

This isn't directed at/toward you, but toward the topic in the thread since it sorta derailed. So place don't take any of this personally. I mean no disrespect to you. :)

Here is my point. My mother worked her butt off, and hard. She graduated first of her class in high school, and her school was the last segregated school in her town. She worked 2 jobs two pay her own way through college (she had 5 brothers and 4 other sisters, so there was no help from mommy or daddy there), graduated again from college at the top of her class, and worked her butt off starting out as a high school English teacher, got her Masters degree while having me in tow, to end up principal of three Senior high schools before retiring. The only 'break' my mother ever had was in the fact that she had two job offers: one in Nebraska, and one in Oklahoma. with all of the race tensions still going on in the south, she took the harder job (which put her and my father away from family) and moved up to Nebraska (600 miles away).

To claw her way up from segregation to being one of the most decorated teachers in her state as well as regional rep for the NEA, while going through a divorce and raising me as a single parent, for someone to say that they would choose someone like her over someone white just to be safe from 'discrimination' is a slap in the face not only to my mother and anyone of a non-white race, but an even bigger slap in the face to those who founded this country, who based this country on the fact that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL.

With all things being equal, I dare Arone24 to state or show how the Williams sisters were given advantage from the race card. How about Arthur Ashe? Althea Gibson? Jackie Robinson? Or how about someone closer: George Brenham III?

Personally, I worked my tail off to make it to the position I am in right now, Linux sysadmin. I've been at it for nearly 20 years, and I nor any employer I have worked for have used race as any contributing factor to my hiring. In fact, contrary to his ignorant post, there are laws that prohibit the exact thing he is complaining about.

Back on topic, Kelly has worked her tail off to get where she is now. Her resume speaks for itself, and I doubt anyone here can compare.

But as for "shutting up and getting over it", Doing that makes you complacent in the status quo, even if it is wrong. Doing nothing doesn't make things better. By your reckoning, Rosa Parks should have moved to the back of the bus. If she had, I wouldn't have had the chance to have the brain that I do, nor be married to the wife I have, nor have interracial children. All because you think that we should just shut up and get over it because life isn't fair.

Life is what you make it out to be. If you want complacency, you live your life of complacency. I refuse to, as I will make my life out to be the best for me and my family. Kelly has for hers, just as BJK, the Williams sisters, and many other women and minorities in life.



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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #26 on: May 06, 2013, 03:03:34 PM »
Yes Jackie Robinson and all those people faced problems, IN THE PAST! Neither you nor myself can control or change what our "ancestors" did or went through. Grow up and quit worrying about the past. Two wrongs don't make a right. Let's say the end to the terms indian american, African American, and white American, and just be proud to be a AMERICANs and quit toting the chip on our shoulers.

Not only minorities have it tough. I grew up the child of a single mother. I've had a full time job since I was 15 years old and have worked my ass off to this very day. I worked a full time job the whole time I was in college.


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #27 on: May 06, 2013, 03:10:36 PM »
And for the record I wasn't complaining. I was merely saying that I wish people would get over the past and realize that it happens to everyone these days and that too many people use it as an excuse or crutch.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 03:27:54 PM by Arone24 »


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #28 on: May 06, 2013, 03:29:32 PM »
YOu still don't get it.  it's not that he or people are living in the past.  IT is the fact that it is still happening.

Example one, in our city there was a Mexican that got stopped for being drunk.  The cops picked him up, and they thought it would be funny to drop him off at the local Taco Bell.  Well they didn't that, and later, the guy was still drunk and walked right out in the middle of the freeway.

This was just last year, so this kind of stupid shit is still going on.

Or this one after he was in an argument with a white person:

The authorities say it's just an accident? ? ? ::)

Open your eyes my friend, it's not in the past.  Not yet, I hope it soon will be.

Yes Jackie Robinson and all those people faced problems, IN THE PAST! Neither you nor myself can control or change what our "ancestors" did or went through. Grow up and quit worrying about the past. Two wrongs don't make a right. Let's say the end to the terms indian american, African American, and white American, and just be proud to be a AMERICANs and quit toting the chip on our shoulers.

Not only minorities have it tough. I grew up the child of a single mother. I've had a full time job since I was 15 years old and have worked my ass off to this very day. I worked a full time job the whole time I was in college.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 03:40:08 PM by livespive »


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #29 on: May 06, 2013, 04:08:33 PM »
This stuff happens to people who aren't minorities just as much.


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #30 on: May 06, 2013, 04:17:24 PM »
NO, the cops don't stop Sally/ Steve Smith, for being drunk, and then drop them off at Starbucks.

And as far as the young boy, if something like that does happen, the town will be torn apart until justice is served.

So no, the same things don't happen, and never will.

Time to go, quitting time :)

Been nice debating with you though.

This stuff happens to people who aren't minorities just as much.