Oh my bad I misunderstood the bold part
No problem!

This isn't directed at/toward you, but toward the topic in the thread since it sorta derailed. So place don't take any of this personally. I mean no disrespect to you.

Here is my point. My mother worked her butt off, and hard. She graduated first of her class in high school, and her school was the last segregated school in her town. She worked 2 jobs two pay her own way through college (she had 5 brothers and 4 other sisters, so there was no help from mommy or daddy there), graduated again from college at the top of her class, and worked her butt off starting out as a high school English teacher, got her Masters degree while having me in tow, to end up principal of three Senior high schools before retiring. The only 'break' my mother ever had was in the fact that she had two job offers: one in Nebraska, and one in Oklahoma. with all of the race tensions still going on in the south, she took the harder job (which put her and my father away from family) and moved up to Nebraska (600 miles away).
To claw her way up from segregation to being one of the most decorated teachers in her state as well as regional rep for the NEA, while going through a divorce and raising me as a single parent, for someone to say that they would choose someone like her over someone white just to be safe from 'discrimination' is a slap in the face not only to my mother and anyone of a non-white race, but an even bigger slap in the face to those who founded this country, who based this country on the fact that
With all things being equal, I dare Arone24 to state or show how the Williams sisters were given advantage from the race card. How about Arthur Ashe? Althea Gibson? Jackie Robinson? Or how about someone closer: George Brenham III?
Personally, I worked my tail off to make it to the position I am in right now, Linux sysadmin. I've been at it for nearly 20 years, and I nor any employer I have worked for have used race as any contributing factor to my hiring. In fact, contrary to his ignorant post,
there are laws that prohibit the exact thing he is complaining about.
Back on topic, Kelly has worked her tail off to get where she is now. Her resume speaks for itself, and I doubt anyone here can compare.
But as for "shutting up and getting over it", Doing that makes you complacent in the
status quo, even if it is wrong. Doing nothing doesn't make things better. By your reckoning, Rosa Parks should have moved to the back of the bus. If she had, I wouldn't have had the chance to have the brain that I do, nor be married to the wife I have, nor have interracial children. All because you think that we should just shut up and get over it because life isn't fair.
Life is what you make it out to be. If you want complacency, you live your life of complacency. I refuse to, as I will make my life out to be the best for me and my family. Kelly has for hers, just as BJK, the Williams sisters, and many other women and minorities in life.