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An unpopular statement
« on: April 08, 2013, 04:06:19 AM »
Kelly Kulick is a great bowler, of course.  She's good enough to be an exempt PBA member, and she's good enough to have made a telecast, which was in fact a major.  As an icon in the bowling world, she serves to remind that women's bowling is still alive, and that occassionally some of those bowlers can compete on the PBA tour.  In fact, Kelly is considered by many to be one of the Great Bowlers of Our Time (tm).  Bear this in mind when I say the following:

Kelly Kulick is extremely overrated.

Now, to explain why I bother posting this.

At times, it seems every flippin' person on the entire doggone planet has lost their sense of perspective when it comes to Kelly.  When I talk bowling with someone (especially casual bowling fans), something along the lines of "Kelly Kulick is the greatest!" always seems to come up (and don't get me started on YouTube!).  All the time.  It boggles my mind.  When I ask why she is so great, the response is always 1) SHE WON THE ToC AND SHE'S A WOMAN PROVING WOMEN AND MEN ARE EQUAL!!!!! (disregarding that if you honestly believed we were completely equal, this would be much less of a big deal to you), or 2) Kelly is the most dominant female bowler in the last several years.  Granted, she's been curb-stomping everyone in the women's majors, and I have no problem considering her the greatest FEMALE bowler.  But that's just it.  Using a qualification won against a field completely (with one or two exceptions) comprised of bowlers who either can't or won't shoe up on the PBA tour means absolutely squat when comparing against other PBA champions.  As for the Tournament of Champions...her victory at the ToC a few years ago did not end the debate concerning the athletic equality of men and women.  Neither did it establish an everlasting dynasty of dominance over the PBA tour.  It was a single tv appearance.  Her only singles PBA tv appearance.

Anybody remember who John Nolen is?  That's what I thought.  But, for some reason, Kelly is elevated above and beyond what she has achieved.

Kelly is far from the greatest.  If she were great, as an exempt touring PBA player she would be making multiple shows a season.  Heck, even one show a season, assuming a poor WSOB showing.  And most importantly, if she were great she would be a threat for a title each week.

Kelly Kulick achieved something great.  Let's call a spade a spade and just leave it at that.  She's pro, for sure, but come on.

A dose of reality for the road: Wayne Garber has more singles telecast appearances on the PBA tour than Kelly Kulick.  Since Kelly's ToC victory, they both only have one (you read that right, ONE) match play appearance, according to



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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #31 on: May 06, 2013, 04:50:11 PM »
This stuff happens to people who aren't minorities just as much.

Please name me one time in the past year that someone WASP was called a racial epithet.

Show me one time where a WASP gets disenfranchised from their heritage and again are reduced to second-class citizens. Within the past year. 2 years. 3 years.

For me personally, #1 happened to me 2 weeks ago. The idiot didn't know that my stepfather was in the car with me, who is a cop. I laughed in the guy's face; my stepfather had him arrested.

#2 happened to certain people of two Indian tribes, one of which was mine, despite their Constitutions prohibiting such an act.

I have yet to see something like this happen to WASPs. So please. enlighten me.

To quote Jack White from the White Stripes:

Quote from: Icky Thump: White Stripes
White Americans, what, nothing better to do?
Why don't you kick yourself out, you're an immigrant too
Who's using who? What should we do?
Well, you can't be a pimp and a prostitute too

I am not trying to be racist here by any means necessary, but quite the opposite: showing that you can't go from having an advantage for so long to playing the victim when all things are equal. Hence, you can't be the user (pimp) and the used (prostitute) at the same time.

« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 04:51:52 PM by bradl »


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #32 on: May 06, 2013, 06:15:28 PM »
Same to you Livespive. Have a good one.

Why would anyone report it? A majority victim would never be taken seriously. Try filing a suit over discrimination with an employer. There's not an attorney in our state who would even take such a case.


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #33 on: May 06, 2013, 06:48:36 PM »
Same to you Livespive. Have a good one.

Why would anyone report it? A majority victim would never be taken seriously. Try filing a suit over discrimination with an employer. There's not an attorney in our state who would even take such a case.

Because an act of discrimination is an act of discrimination, regardless of who the victim is or where it occurs. That is why the law is there to protect people and prohibit the government and employers from committing such an act, period.

Oh, and to answer your naive question about there not being an attorney to take such a case: You do realize that the movie Philadelphia was based on a true story, correct?

How how about more knowledge dropped into your skull:

  • McDonald v. Santa Fe Trail Transportation Co. (1976). Two White employees and one Black employee were charged with stealing property from their employer. The two White employees were fired while the Black employee was retained. In the first big reverse discrimination case, the Court decided that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is not limited to discrimination against minority persons, but includes discriminatory actions against majority persons as well.
  • Lucas v. Dole (1987). The Fourth Circuit refused to adopt the D.C. Circuit's "background circumstances" requirement and instead applied McDonnell Douglas test in the same way to White and Black plaintiff. White plaintiff satisfied her burden in this case where she showed that she was more qualified than the selected minority applicant, that the interviewing process was too subjective, that the minority applicant had received irregular acts of favoritism, and that other employees believed that race was a factor.
You need to find better lawyers, or better use of your brain than for such tripe comments.



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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #34 on: May 06, 2013, 07:20:11 PM »
So is it not discrimination by your definition to have incentives to hire minorities, females, and minority females? If all are equal why are there incentives if everyone is working "equally" as hard?

Why does someone have to be called a racial name to be considered in the same boat as everyone else? They can be called raciest for any reason just because they are not a minority. That happens all the time. Everything the person says or does something for any reason is "raciest" because they are WASPs. In that reference it happens all the time.

If I started a net work called White Entertainment Network isn't that raciest? If I started a Congressional White Caucus would that also be raciest? Or A United WASPs College Fund? Why is it I have mens leagues and tournaments with women participants but no womens leagues or tournaments with men participants? We want to be equal and separate?

If everyone wanted to be equal we would do things accordingly to make it happen. No one wants equal, too many want an upper hand, an advantage, or something for free.

The country is divided and will stay that way for a reason. Most people do not like each other for one reason or another. Eventually it is blamed on skin color. Every one is a victim in this country for one "alleged" reason or another.

It takes away from the people who really are victims.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #35 on: May 06, 2013, 07:26:32 PM »
3 cases huh. Look man I'm done bickering with you. I know a person who encountered such a situation and every attorney he contacted told him he wasting his time reguardless of right and wrong. You have your opinion and I have mine. The end.


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #36 on: May 06, 2013, 07:37:10 PM »
Couldn't have said it better kidlost.


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #37 on: May 06, 2013, 08:15:16 PM »
I know someone who got a college grant simply for being hawaiin...i had a job where they needed to meett the company quota for minorities and regardless of how qualified...they wanted an african american female. Period. This argument could go on for light years. Why can a african american call me a cracker in public but ths other words of choice towards an nonwhite person are frowned upon. BET is the most racist thing ive ever seen. If there was WET there would be a damn war over segregation. Im in no way a racist person and i have many friends of all kinds of color and heritage.


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #38 on: May 06, 2013, 08:25:56 PM »
Its simple observations we see every day in our "pc" world. I watched an un-news story on a commercial with my wife the other day and laughed because the "raciest" commercial was done by a black male. Me and my wife thought nothing of it but the "pc" world of new was jumping all over it.

Because the victim was white and the suspects in the lineup were black. I guess it is too realistic, if it was the other way around it would be a hate crime. Either way I guess if the victim says the suspect is black or white or whatever you wouldn't do a lineup of all one race or sex matching the description.......oh wait that is exactly what you do.

Good thing the guy was black or he would be raciest. (funny thing the guys in the lineup are his friends he got into a commercial)
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #39 on: May 07, 2013, 12:31:39 AM »
Couldn't have said it better kidlost.
I can.

So is it not discrimination by your definition to have incentives to hire minorities, females, and minority females? If all are equal why are there incentives if everyone is working "equally" as hard?

Who has those incentives? I surely did not. My mother surely did not. My stepfather sure as hell did not. If I beat out 58 other applicants for a job, it was only because I was the most qualified for the position, and not because of any race card.

I have never played such a card, and I have even participated in the hiring process in both multimillion dollar corporations, as well as this country's very government, and can damn well ensure that it wasn't played there, period.

Your mileage may vary, or it may just be your own bitterness because you were beat out by someone who was a minority. Either way, that should tell you something about yourself.


Why does someone have to be called a racial name to be considered in the same boat as everyone else? They can be called raciest for any reason just because they are not a minority. That happens all the time. Everything the person says or does something for any reason is "raciest" because they are WASPs. In that reference it happens all the time.

You may want to ask yourself that same question. There are a plethora of offensive epithets to call someone black, and if you think that WASP is racist, you really don't have a clue about what you are talking about:

White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. As opposed to Catholic or Lutheran, etc. If you really don't know that, you really don't know your history. Blame your teaching/upbringing for that.

If I started a net work called White Entertainment Network isn't that raciest? If I started a Congressional White Caucus would that also be raciest? Or A United WASPs College Fund?

By all means, start them. That's the amazing thing about this country. You could start any of these that you would like, and still be integrated with everyone being equal. I have absolutely no problem with it.

Why is it I have mens leagues and tournaments with women participants but no womens leagues or tournaments with men participants? We want to be equal and separate?

We have this already. The PBA allows women. The USBC allows women. Hell, 3 years ago, a woman beat a man for a tournament. Better yet, pony up the money to help the PWBA get going, and you could be the first man to win in a tournament there (though I can easily picture your butt getting kicked by Diandra, Danielle McKewan, Shannon P. Shannon O., Liz, and Kelly). But if you want a Women's tournament that men can enter, get it going, and more power to you.

If everyone wanted to be equal we would do things accordingly to make it happen. No one wants equal, too many want an upper hand, an advantage, or something for free.

Is that why we have a Civil Rights Act, fought the state of Virginia and won the right to marry interracially, and prove that all races in this country are equal?

You really must hate Pres. Lincoln for having the stupid idea that we are equal. Perhaps you'd like to go back in time, tar and feather him, and paint him up as Blackface to teach him a lesson?  ::)

We're equal. Shut up, and get the hell over it. If you don't want equality, Germany South Africa Albania Yugoslavia Australia ... well.. you're stuck. Get over it.

The country is divided and will stay that way for a reason. Most people do not like each other for one reason or another. Eventually it is blamed on skin color. Every one is a victim in this country for one "alleged" reason or another.

It takes away from the people who really are victims.

this country hasn't been divided since Robert Lee surrendered., and even then, they didn't want to fight about it anymore. It is only divided in your naive and rather bitter mind, and the sooner you get over that and change your thinking, the sooner you can join the 20th and 21st Century.

Heh.. Seeing that the last school with a segregated prom just had their first ever integrated prom, I would say that the last segregated place in this country is the vast capacity sitting between your ears.

I'll leave you for the night with this last little thing:

Quote from: Declaration of Independence
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Not just Whites, not just blacks, not just Hispanics, ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. If you don't want that equality, or do not believe in it, rescind your citizenship of the USA and leave.



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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #40 on: May 07, 2013, 03:20:02 AM »
Your long winded and you missed most all of my points.

 Reread your replies to my comments. You make up stuff not written or even hinted at inbetween the lines. Your anger prevents you from reading clearly.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 04:14:49 AM by kidlost2000 »
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #41 on: May 07, 2013, 04:13:19 AM »
Who has those incentives? I surely did not. My mother surely did not. My stepfather sure as hell did not. If I beat out 58 other applicants for a job, it was only because I was the most qualified for the position, and not because of any race card.

I have never played such a card, and I have even participated in the hiring process in both multimillion dollar corporations, as well as this country's very government, and can damn well ensure that it wasn't played there, period.

Your mileage may vary, or it may just be your own bitterness because you were beat out by someone who was a minority. Either way, that should tell you something about yourself.

Business and Government businesses that get incentives to hire female and minority applicants from the Government. I never said anything about you or your family but your blind rage assumes it is about you.

I never said I had the complaint of it happenning to me. I never said anything to sound bitter just pointing out the world as it is and the way business works.

You said that people are mad because the playing field is equal now. If it was equal then there wouldn't be incentives. The best applicants would get the jobs. That is the way it should be and I would never argue other wise. You however make big assumptions.

You may want to ask yourself that same question. There are a plethora of offensive epithets to call someone black, and if you think that WASP is racist, you really don't have a clue about what you are talking about:

White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. As opposed to Catholic or Lutheran, etc. If you really don't know that, you really don't know your history. Blame your teaching/upbringing for that.

Yes there are many raciest words. I never said WASPs was one. It wasn't even used in that context when I wrote it. I said that WASPs are called raciest. We aren't called racial names because none exist that really seem to stick. However we are always raciest for anything that doesn't go in the favor of someone else or if someone else has no other good argument. Then out comes the race card and the you are a raciest cause.... comments. Just because someone isn't called a racial name doesn't mean that can't be called other things to do the same point.

By all means, start them. That's the amazing thing about this country. You could start any of these that you would like, and still be integrated with everyone being equal. I have absolutely no problem with it.

It is good that you do not have a problem with it, but it would be called raciest if it were done. You know it would be met with huge up roar because of the "raciest" nature of it. Because it is white, not black, hispanic, or any other race. It is tolerated by others because the world is to P.C. to say other wise.

We have this already. The PBA allows women. The USBC allows women. Hell, 3 years ago, a woman beat a man for a tournament. Better yet, pony up the money to help the PWBA get going, and you could be the first man to win in a tournament there (though I can easily picture your butt getting kicked by Diandra, Danielle McKewan, Shannon P. Shannon O., Liz, and Kelly). But if you want a Women's tournament that men can enter, get it going, and more power to you.

Why should I pony up the money to support something that doesn't survive on its own? The PWBA is gone for a reason. Just because the NBA chooses to fund the WNBA doesn't make it a good idea. Why do you assume I want to bowl them? I could care less about them or their tournaments. If it is an equal world why are men and womens tournaments divided with women being allowed to bowl the mens tournaments? Just call it a mix, or a womens. Since it can not be just a "mens" tournament.

Is that why we have a Civil Rights Act, fought the state of Virginia and won the right to marry interracially, and prove that all races in this country are equal?

You really must hate Pres. Lincoln for having the stupid idea that we are equal. Perhaps you'd like to go back in time, tar and feather him, and paint him up as Blackface to teach him a lesson? 

We're equal. Shut up, and get the hell over it. If you don't want equality, Germany South Africa Albania Yugoslavia Australia ... well.. you're stuck. Get over it.

Where to start on this raciest mess. If everything is equal then this debate isn't happening. Ask any black, hispanic or others if this country is equal and see what percentage says no versus yes. Most (people) don't care about equal anymore, what they want is "theirs" and at any cost. It will never be equal because too many feel they are entitled to more because of their race.

this country hasn't been divided since Robert Lee surrendered., and even then, they didn't want to fight about it anymore. It is only divided in your naive and rather bitter mind, and the sooner you get over that and change your thinking, the sooner you can join the 20th and 21st Century.

Heh.. Seeing that the last school with a segregated prom just had their first ever integrated prom, I would say that the last segregated place in this country is the vast capacity sitting between your ears.

This country is very divided. It is in the news every day in some shape form or fashion. It is always divided by race, sometimes by sex, and sometimes by religion. It is still very divided. Doesn't everyone in Lousianna think that the President didn't do anything for them because they are black? That stuff is consistently being brought up. I didn't make it up in my head. I watch this on the news.

Not just Whites, not just blacks, not just Hispanics, ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. If you don't want that equality, or do not believe in it, rescind your citizenship of the USA and leave.

Yes we are all created equally. It doesn't mean we act like it. After reading your post I'd say your one of the biggest raciest on this site I've seen so far. The sad thing is, you can't see it.

You literally made up things I did not write and added it to your replies because you made up in your mind of anger that it was what I was thinking.

How sad for you.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #42 on: May 07, 2013, 03:09:55 PM »

Business and Government businesses that get incentives to hire female and minority applicants from the Government. I never said anything about you or your family but your blind rage assumes it is about you.

I have no rage.  What you simply do not get is that my experiences in my life run contrary to everything that you say. and I have history to show for that. But it wouldn't be right for me to force you to see facts. So I'll leave you be until you are further enlightened.

I never said I had the complaint of it happenning to me. I never said anything to sound bitter just pointing out the world as it is and the way business works.

Quote from: Bruce Hornsby
Well they passed a law in '64 to give those who ain't got, a little more
But it only goes so far
'Cause the law don't change another's mind when all they see at the hiring time
Is the line on the color bar

That's just the way it is
Some things will never change
That's just the way it is
But don't you believe them

Funnily enough: relevant lyrics, from a song written and produced in 1986, about what happened with race discrimination prior to 1964.

You said that people are mad because the playing field is equal now. If it was equal then there wouldn't be incentives. The best applicants would get the jobs. That is the way it should be and I would never argue other wise. You however make big assumptions.

I have my job, as I beat out the best applicants Like I said before, if you want to beat the best, you have to be the best. You can not sit around and throw the blame of why one didn't get the job on someone else because of their race or because of someone else's policies. I can't change people's colour. But what can be changed are people's minds and their thinking about it. Change yourself from within to affect change outside of you.

Yes there are many raciest words. I never said WASPs was one. It wasn't even used in that context when I wrote it. I said that WASPs are called raciest. We aren't called racial names because none exist that really seem to stick. However we are always raciest for anything that doesn't go in the favor of someone else or if someone else has no other good argument. Then out comes the race card and the you are a raciest cause.... comments. Just because someone isn't called a racial name doesn't mean that can't be called other things to do the same point.

This is probably the wisest thing you have said in this thread, and I agree with it 100%. If you note, I not once have referred to you as racist, nor do I think you are. The very fact that you are having this debate with me without it dropping down to constant name calling speaks volumes, and I respect you for that.

It is good that you do not have a problem with it, but it would be called raciest if it were done. You know it would be met with huge up roar because of the "raciest" nature of it. Because it is white, not black, hispanic, or any other race. It is tolerated by others because the world is to P.C. to say other wise.

Hardly. Is it any different from CMT or GAC? Was there an uproar with OWN, Lifetime, or LRW? How about Spike? or Logo? All of those networks cover the whole run, from gender, to race, to sexual orientation. If anything, the History channel should take the cake because there isn't at least 1 time in a day where they don't air a show about Hitler.

This really isn't an issue anymore, except for what some people make it out to be.

Why should I pony up the money to support something that doesn't survive on its own? The PWBA is gone for a reason. Just because the NBA chooses to fund the WNBA doesn't make it a good idea. Why do you assume I want to bowl them? I could care less about them or their tournaments. If it is an equal world why are men and womens tournaments divided with women being allowed to bowl the mens tournaments? Just call it a mix, or a womens. Since it can not be just a "mens" tournament.

Sorta like the National Mixed tournament every year at the Stadium? What a novel idea.

Where to start on this raciest mess. If everything is equal then this debate isn't happening. Ask any black, hispanic or others if this country is equal and see what percentage says no versus yes. Most (people) don't care about equal anymore, what they want is "theirs" and at any cost. It will never be equal because too many feel they are entitled to more because of their race.

And this gets back to the point about Arone's comment. His expresses the exact sense of entitlement you are railing on about. Perhaps a look in the mirror is needed regarding that and we ill see what indeed the problem is.


This country is very divided. It is in the news every day in some shape form or fashion. It is always divided by race, sometimes by sex, and sometimes by religion. It is still very divided. Doesn't everyone in Lousianna think that the President didn't do anything for them because they are black? That stuff is consistently being brought up. I didn't make it up in my head. I watch this on the news.

There is your problem. Watching the news. I'll save that for a thread in the offtopic forum.

Look, no-one said that this union of united states is perfect, but that we have everything stated in the preamble to our Constitution there to help to form a more perfect union. If you want that divisibility, or don't like how much further we are on the road to true equality, like I said before, it is easy to renounce your citizenship and leave. That's the great thing about this country; within the bounds of applicable law, no-one is going to stop you from doing what you want, and that includes leaving, should you so wish it.


Yes we are all created equally. It doesn't mean we act like it. After reading your post I'd say your one of the biggest raciest on this site I've seen so far. The sad thing is, you can't see it.

And here is where my respect for you drops. I find it funny that as I've mentioned that I've married interracially and have interracial children that I am a racist. And that is also with me being of mixed descent myself.

You literally made up things I did not write and added it to your replies because you made up in your mind of anger that it was what I was thinking.

That's the lovely part about the 'insert quote' button. I couldn't make up things if the forum adds your exact words to my post. That is why I quote instead of cut/paste. You will find every single word of your post that I have replied to directly above my reply. If I have put words in your moth, feel free to read through each post and look for your quote. You will see that when you compare it to your original post, your words are all there.

Or perhaps that has gone over your head as well. If so, my apologies. But I won't dumb down my knowledge to your level just so you can understand me.

How sad for you.

Thank you for your sympathy. But seeing that I can hold my head high just based on my experience, knowledge, and the fact that I can be the best me that I can, I believe you will find your sympathy rather misplaced.



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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #43 on: May 07, 2013, 03:55:48 PM »
Wow kidlost you and I are wasting our breath. The pot is calling the kettle black. Back to the point if Kelly Kullick was a man we wouldn't be having this debate. If Danica Patrick wasn't a woman she'd be sitting her ass at home watching NASCAR on TV. My point is that I think it is wrong to promote mediocre talent just because someone is woman.


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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #44 on: May 07, 2013, 04:02:41 PM »
And here is where my respect for you drops. I find it funny that as I've mentioned that I've married interracially and have interracial children that I am a racist. And that is also with me being of mixed descent myself.

That doesn't change the raciest things you said. It is all through your responses included with your sarcasm and degradation. I'm glad people who are married inter-racially are the new standard of knowing what racism is and isn't. It is comforting to see how far short it falls on you. I'm glad a a network with a a races color in the title is considered the same as the ones you listed which do not list race at all. Country is a race? History because it shows stuff on Hitler is some how also about race? Cause he is white right?

Most of your replys still miss the point or go around it all together. It is great that that the news reporting on these problems is my problem and that it doesn't exist.

You really must hate Pres. Lincoln for having the stupid idea that we are equal. Perhaps you'd like to go back in time, tar and feather him, and paint him up as Blackface to teach him a lesson? 

We're equal. Shut up, and get the hell over it. If you don't want equality, Germany South Africa Albania Yugoslavia Australia ... well.. you're stuck. Get over it.

It is only divided in your naive and rather bitter mind, and the sooner you get over that and change your thinking, the sooner you can join the 20th and 21st Century.

Heh.. Seeing that the last school with a segregated prom just had their first ever integrated prom, I would say that the last segregated place in this country is the vast capacity sitting between your ears.

If you don't want that equality, or do not believe in it, rescind your citizenship of the USA and leave.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.

Coach Bonesaw

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Re: An unpopular statement
« Reply #45 on: May 07, 2013, 04:05:11 PM »
Why the hell is this even a topic of conversation? I get it, but what did you expect?
In the bag:

Roto Grip Magic Gem
Motiv Primal Shock
Hammer Ocean Vibe