Couldn't have said it better kidlost.
I can.
So is it not discrimination by your definition to have incentives to hire minorities, females, and minority females? If all are equal why are there incentives if everyone is working "equally" as hard?
Who has those incentives? I surely did not. My mother surely did not. My stepfather sure as hell did not. If I beat out 58 other applicants for a job, it was only because I was the most qualified for the position, and not because of any race card.
I have never played such a card, and I have even participated in the hiring process in both multimillion dollar corporations, as well as this country's very government, and can damn well ensure that it wasn't played there, period.
Your mileage may vary, or it may just be your own bitterness because you were beat out by someone who was a minority. Either way, that should tell you something about yourself.
Why does someone have to be called a racial name to be considered in the same boat as everyone else? They can be called raciest for any reason just because they are not a minority. That happens all the time. Everything the person says or does something for any reason is "raciest" because they are WASPs. In that reference it happens all the time.
You may want to ask yourself that same question. There are a plethora of offensive epithets to call someone black, and if you think that WASP is racist, you really don't have a clue about what you are talking about:
Protestant. As opposed to Catholic or Lutheran, etc. If you really don't know that, you really don't know your history. Blame your teaching/upbringing for that.
If I started a net work called White Entertainment Network isn't that raciest? If I started a Congressional White Caucus would that also be raciest? Or A United WASPs College Fund?
By all means, start them. That's the amazing thing about this country. You could start any of these that you would like, and still be integrated with everyone being equal. I have absolutely no problem with it.
Why is it I have mens leagues and tournaments with women participants but no womens leagues or tournaments with men participants? We want to be equal and separate?
We have this already. The PBA allows women. The USBC allows women. Hell, 3 years ago, a woman beat a man for a tournament. Better yet, pony up the money to help the PWBA get going, and you could be the first man to win in a tournament there (though I can easily picture your butt getting kicked by Diandra, Danielle McKewan, Shannon P. Shannon O., Liz, and Kelly). But if you want a Women's tournament that men can enter, get it going, and more power to you.
If everyone wanted to be equal we would do things accordingly to make it happen. No one wants equal, too many want an upper hand, an advantage, or something for free.
Is that why we have a Civil Rights Act, fought the state of Virginia and won the right to marry interracially, and prove that all races in this country are equal?
You really must hate Pres. Lincoln for having the stupid idea that we are equal. Perhaps you'd like to go back in time, tar and feather him, and paint him up as Blackface to teach him a lesson?

We're equal. Shut up, and get the hell over it. If you don't want equality,
Germany South Africa Albania Yugoslavia Australia ... well.. you're stuck. Get over it.
The country is divided and will stay that way for a reason. Most people do not like each other for one reason or another. Eventually it is blamed on skin color. Every one is a victim in this country for one "alleged" reason or another.
It takes away from the people who really are victims.
this country hasn't been divided since Robert Lee surrendered., and even then, they didn't want to fight about it anymore. It is only divided in your naive and rather bitter mind, and the sooner you get over that and change your thinking, the sooner you can join the 20th and 21st Century.
Heh.. Seeing that the last school with a segregated prom just had their first ever integrated prom, I would say that the last segregated place in this country is the vast capacity sitting between your ears.
I'll leave you for the night with this last little thing:
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Not just Whites, not just blacks, not just Hispanics, ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. If you don't want that equality, or do not believe in it, rescind your citizenship of the USA and leave.