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Author Topic: anyone else starting a PBA Experience League ?  (Read 2339 times)


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anyone else starting a PBA Experience League ?
« on: December 05, 2006, 03:58:41 PM »
We have one starting in Jan. here in High Point, NC. so far 30 bowlers have signed up , very positive turnout, how is the response in your neck of the woods?  Patrick Hunter.



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Re: anyone else starting a PBA Experience League ?
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2006, 12:32:14 AM »
Check with Jon Brandon at Valencia Lanes if you are in the area.  He is in the process of putting one together for Sunday nights.  A singles league starting January 7th.  It will cost $25/week and run for 12 weeks.  The start time is 9:30PM.

The league will bowl on the same pattern that the pros will be bowling on each week.  I am planning on joining.  It sounds interesting.
"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
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"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
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Brandon Riley

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Re: anyone else starting a PBA Experience League ?
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2006, 12:41:09 AM »
im curious as to if there is a conversion if you bowl in a pba league?
I know that in sport they have a system (Which is about 10%), is there one for pba?
I understand that the patterns are much tougher than your regular house shot, so say I ave 200 on pba patterns would that change into 210 when I enter a tournament?

Edited on 12/6/2006 1:37 AM
Brandon Riley
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Re: anyone else starting a PBA Experience League ?
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2006, 12:48:09 AM »
PBA Experience league bowlers are required to pay the $9 adult or $5 youth sport upgrade fee.  So I would guess the conversion is the same as for the sport leagues.
"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
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"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
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Re: anyone else starting a PBA Experience League ?
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2006, 01:04:52 AM »
PM me if anyone is interested. I'm hoping to get 24 bowlers although starting a mid-season league isn't easy since not many people want to add a league. I run this league in the Summer with the Regional patterns and get 30+ every year.
Jon Brandon
Columbia Regional Staff 04-06
2003 PBA West Region Rookie of the Year
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Re: anyone else starting a PBA Experience League ?
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2006, 02:57:16 AM »
Thong---I have read your posts for a period of time, and
I was wondering, how can you possibly compete in this
type of league?  Is is handicap?  I honestly intend you
no disrespect, I am just curious.  It would seem to me
that this type of league would be very competetive.

To go out and have fun maybe and learn a whole a lot about the sport? A couple summers ago a local center ran something like that it was awsome but due to being in the summer there was not a whole lot of people there. I would love to see something like that back around here. They will probably get one going after I move away from Sioux Falls.


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Re: anyone else starting a PBA Experience League ?
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2006, 03:48:58 AM »
I've bowled in one last summer, and intend to again this summer.. but we don't see it around our houses in the fall... To many folks won't get their 230-240 averages in those leagues.. Past summer.. we had 30+ enter, and after the first few weeks we droped to around 19... I loved 7th first year in..
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Lane#1 RedNeck


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Re: anyone else starting a PBA Experience League ?
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2006, 04:03:47 AM »
Thong---I have read your posts for a period of time, and
I was wondering, how can you possibly compete in this
type of league? Is is handicap? I honestly intend you
no disrespect, I am just curious. It would seem to me
that this type of league would be very competitive.

Funny thing, I had someone tell me the same thing last year when joining the toughshot league.. said to me..Why would you join this with 170 ave..[was 186 by the way.]You should wait till your average is 200 or more, stay in THS and get some more experience...

What better kind of experience can one get by joining one of these kinds of leagues ?  I fricken loved it.. got more respect for the one out on tour and whatnot by doing it.. Just because one doesn't have a high average, dose not mean they are not out to learn all they can, and to have FUN in the sport they love.. I had a blast, yes..was days it got frustrating..BUT..that how I learned to have a better spare game.. I laughed when I seen this, as I did when I saw it in my post before..  I went in with a 186 ave..and finished with a 176 ave..and was in 7th.. I was very happy with this, as I beat out some folks that have done this before,and had bigger ave then I...High that won was only 190+ and he was a 230+ bowler..  

Looks Like a Telefunken U-47

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Lane#1 RedNeck


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Re: anyone else starting a PBA Experience League ?
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2006, 07:46:16 AM »
Which house Patrick?  I've bowled at Tar Heel Lanes a few times, but I believe there is another in High Point.  What night is it going to be and how many weeks?  I bowl Tuesday at Creekside in Winston Salem and Thursday at Triad Lanes in Greensboro and neither are doing the PBA experience.  If it's another night, I'm up for it.  It's funny because Triad Lanes runs some tournaments with supposedly harder conditions, but when I asked the manager about the PBA Experience, he wasn't interested.  First he acted like he never heard of it, then claimed that his machine already had all of the patterns, then said the only way to stay in business was to wall them up.  Strange, because Gate City in Greensboro runs PBA oil pattern tournaments about once a month and gets a pretty good turnout.
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Re: anyone else starting a PBA Experience League ?
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2006, 08:25:38 AM »
Thong---I have read your posts for a period of time, and
I was wondering, how can you possibly compete in this
type of league?  Is is handicap?  I honestly intend you
no disrespect, I am just curious.  It would seem to me
that this type of league would be very competetive.

I am used tho this type of question from people who don't really know me or my goals.  So no problem.  I will try to explain.

It is not handicap, but neither is my sport shot league I have been bowling in for 3 years now.  I talked to Jon and he has no problem with a 160+ sport league average bowling in this.  

I am working on my game and 2 years ago started with a coach.  We have made major changes in my game, changed span and pitches.  My house shot scores may not be great, but it is all a process to getting where I want to be.  I want the challenge.  

I have a high score on the sport shot of 219 and fairly regularly get a 190-200 game.  My 3 game set high on sport has been 585.  Those who have seen me bowl know that I have the potential to be a high average bowler, it is just a matter of time when everything does come together.  As frustrating as it is for me to not have turned that corner yet, I am not going to give up.  The only way I can turn that corner is by constantly challenging myself and continue to work on my game.  It is all a learning experience.

You may also not understand why I am planning to bowl in the Western Women's Professional Bowlers tournament in February, but I cannot be afraid of a challenge.  Until I take up the challenge, I will never hit the goals I have set for myself.

I hope this helps to satisfy your curiosity.  If not PM me and I'll go into greater detail about my goals, etc.

sdbowler and RedNeckRoller, thanks.  You guys got it right on.  It is all about the experience and having fun trying.
"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean

Edited on 12/6/2006 9:51 AM
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
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Light Hit Split

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Re: anyone else starting a PBA Experience League ?
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2006, 08:37:29 AM »
I havent heard on many in the Northern Ohio area, but if anyone has any insite please pass it on to me. Wouldn't mind taking a stab at it.

Bill Thomas

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Re: anyone else starting a PBA Experience League ?
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2006, 11:53:59 AM »
We are working on converting our summer sport league to a PBA Experience at Greenway Bowl in Odenton, MD.  Will be back on here with details as soon as all the arrangements have been completed.  Our sport league has been going for six years.  We average between 30 and 36 bowlers. The league is a singles league with handicap and bowls 4 games per night.  We have tried several times to get a scratch division or league but can't get enough "scratch" bowlers to justify it.  Anyone interested can get info from me at

Bill Thomas


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Re: anyone else starting a PBA Experience League ?
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2006, 11:38:34 AM »
I would be interested in finding one in Eastern PA.  Preferably the Poconos area or Lehigh Valley.
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