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Author Topic: Did anyone hear the comments about the PBA on the football broadcast Friday night?  (Read 2488 times)


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Was in Fresno for the West Regional this past weekend, and watched the Fresno State-Boise State game on ESPN as there was a ton of local interest in it in the area, and this is what I heard from announcers Chris Speilman, Sean McDonough, and Rob Stone:

McDonough (sorry for the misspell): Another good reason to watch the PBA this season is our own Rob Stone will be announcing it.

Speilman: Since when did bowling become a sport?  I know it's a skill, and a hobby, but isn't it more of a beer drinking thing, rather than a sport?

Stone:  C'mon guys, you're going to get me fired before my first live broadcast.  I know Walter Ray Williams is on the show Sunday morning, and.....and...well I can't remember the other 3, but 4 very good bowlers will be on the show Sunday morning.

Speilman:  So, if Walter Ray has to go to the bathroom, does that mean Pete Weber will have to wait for him to get back, like in a regular league?

Stone:  Well, it's been a crash course for me over the last few weeks trying to pick up bowling lingo, and I've picked up a little, but we'll see how it goes.

These are not exact quotes, as I was half asleep when this coversation happened during a break due to an injury, so I paraphrased most of it, but I know the Speilman comment about "when did bowling become a sport?" is right on.  I feel that regardless of what his opinions of bowling are, his making those comments on the air was very unprofessional, and frankly not a very good idea, considering he's on the network that is airing bowling, and trying to increase ratings for it, I'm assuming.  I do feel bad for Rob Stone, as he's being thrown into a sport he has no prior knoweledge about, and 2 days before his first live broadcast, he's sent to Fresno to cover a football game, when he should be researching, and be in Wisconsin covering the bowling event.  It appears ESPN feels that they can just send any Joe Blow to cover bowling and sound like they completely know what they're talking about, and trying to save money in the process (of course).  As for Chris Speilman, I found his comments to be very unprofessional, and I will be looking for some way to contact ESPN to voice my displeasure about them.  Just wondering if anyone else caught this.



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One could hope that Speilman character was fishing for a good counter arguement from Rob Stone, saying 'bowling is a sport because xyz', but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Edited on 10/28/2007 7:57 PM


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Considering that bowling outdraws football, game per game, maybe when Spielman takes bowling pin where the sun don't shine, then maybe his brain will realize what an a**hoole the rest of him is.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
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"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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I didn't see the Friday football broadcast, but I did see today's telecast.  Stone knows virtually nothing about bowling and made no attempt to pretend that he did.  He made a big deal of knowing what a "Brooklyn" was and thought it was a cute term to use.  I can't believe that ESPN/USBC would have someone like him handling the mike.  I believe it shows how little respect bowling has.
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I didn't see the Friday football broadcast, but I did see today's telecast.  Stone knows virtually nothing about bowling and made no attempt to pretend that he did.  He made a big deal of knowing what a "Brooklyn" was and thought it was a cute term to use.  I can't believe that ESPN/USBC would have someone like him handling the mike.  I believe it shows how little respect bowling has.
Rats get fat.  Good men die.

Most people that could possibly be tuned into the event don't know what a brooklyn is either.  Well now they do.

The last thing ESPN wants is some esoteric commentary going on that a casual or first time viewer would have no clue what was going on.  Bowling lingo is more or less a foreign language and having a guy on the show who can get these terms explained to an audience in a funny was isn't such a bad idea.  

Do you think ESPN and the PBA didn't plan on this?  they WANTED a guy who casual observers could relate to and find funny and most of all, ENTERTAINING.

People are talking about him.  I'd call it a success.


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I didn't see the Friday football broadcast, but I did see today's telecast.  Stone knows virtually nothing about bowling and made no attempt to pretend that he did.  He made a big deal of knowing what a "Brooklyn" was and thought it was a cute term to use.  I can't believe that ESPN/USBC would have someone like him handling the mike.  I believe it shows how little respect bowling has.
Rats get fat.  Good men die.

He (Stone) was not very good at soccer play by play either. I guess ESPN demoted him to bowling. If Stone keeps this up it looks like next year he will demoted to ladies billiards. Maybe he should be brushing up on his billiard lingo now. I can hear it now. (Stone) WOW. She's got a nice rack to play with! HEHE
3 holes of fun!!

Greg T

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 And: "Hey look! She's bounced her ball off of another one and it went in. What do you call that?" He's not smart enough to link rack with rack to make a joke.


If yer arm don't hurt ya ain't shiftin it right! Off-Ramp!           


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We Know What Bowlers Want
We Know What Bowlers Want

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So what are any of you going to do about it? Nothing. Fight back throw him a well deserved crappy email on how clueless he is or even a shot at ESPN. Show people that we are loyal to "our sport" and not to chump us around. Sorry I think Stoner has no clue and lacks the "wanting" of knowledge for the sport. His statements along with Speilman's show no respect for any other game or sport.
 The gentleman that wrote that article is from my area and is a pretty diehard enthusiast. I applaud him piping up to the latest ignorance.


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Who would have ever thought we'd miss Dave Ryan???  Stone was energetic, IMO,
but it was obvious even to my wife (casual bowler who rarely watches the show)
that this guy didn't have a clue about bowling.


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I cover college football as part of my job and as most of us do, I watch a lot of games on TV before or after seeing the games I actually attend in person.

Chris Spielman is a very poor color commentator for football. He's more opinionated than most, and combines that with being wrong quite often in his opinions. I don't like watching a telecast he's involved with because I get very little from his analysis.

For one ESPN announced to comment in such a way on another sport televised by the same network is unprofessional. For Spielman to be the one doing it makes it even worse. I hope ESPN brass had something to say to him about it.



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Where did Phil Ferguson get to? He was pretty good
Time for some REAL bowling!!!
Time for some REAL bowling!!!