Mika did miss more than we're used to seeing, but recovered well for the most part. He got two pretty big breaks on the messenger 10's in the first game, but he'd have won anyway. Then that big washout he got a HUGE break on, or he wouldn't have gotten anywhere close, and Baker would have had it in the bag by the 8th frame. I'm a Mika fan, but come on StormWarning, bad break my donkey. 3 or 4 more bad breaks and he'd have pulled even with the good ones he got. Baker was VERY impressive, and after he leveled Angelo (poor guy, his tv opponents are averaging a collective 245+ against him now), I was rooting for him all the way, even though I LOVE watching Mika.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster, presenting a mini-series of quotes from Shrek!
"Oh I'll find those stairs, I whip they butt too. They won't know which way they going. Give me a step right here and now, I'll step all over it, kick it to the curb. I am the stair masta, I've masta'd the stairs."