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Author Topic: Barnes real problem  (Read 6172 times)


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Barnes real problem
« on: February 03, 2008, 03:38:22 PM »
He is revered in bowling circles as "having the most talent". Well can someone explain to me while he insists on going so straight on TV? Is he scared of hooking it more? No tilt, no axis rotation. Just end-over-end up the lane. I'm not sure if there is such a thing as too much up the back or too straight, but if there is, Chris Barnes is guilty of it.
Mea Culpa
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Re: Barnes real problem
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2008, 11:19:59 AM »
Barnes should have stuck with going brooklyn when he needed a strike...

Maybe he's paying for all that good fortune $$$ now?

He'll turn it around.  He makes too many shows, not to win one.

I've rode Barnes all the way to being in 1st place overall in the PBA Fantasy Game.

Thank you Mr. Barnes!



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Re: Barnes real problem
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2008, 11:24:24 AM »
I don't disagree....everyone has the inherent right to express their own opinions.

I also agree that there are way too many people second guessing the pros.  I'd never pressume to think that I could beat these guys on those patterns.  I'd be lucky to shoot 150.  Too many armchair professionals who shoot 220+ on the great wall of china and think they can go toe to toe with Walter Ray or Chris Barnes.

I just think Chris has gotten into a bit of a a baseball player in a hitting slump.  Once he breaks out of it, the rest of the tour better look out, he's gonna be trouble.
University at Albany 2007
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Re: Barnes real problem
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2008, 11:35:39 AM »
I don't think anybody in this thread was claiming to be a ball company rep or be an expert in the game.  Just voicing their opinions as Chris Barnes and the problems he's had on TV.  I never know expressing an opinion was such a horrible thing...its an opinion.

Was the sarcasm at the beginning of the post really that necessary?
University at Albany 2007
    -Let's Go Danes-

ROTO GRIP - King of Them All

Don't rationalize or objectively assess anything on this board, or else you run the risk of being a "know it all", "wanna-be ball rep" etc. Conversely, can I not say to some of you, what makes you a ball rep? Hook, is a relative term, where did I state that I correlate hook with talent? All I said is that I thing he should create some angle down lane that probably would have been a better way to get my point across. During the week, I have seen him wreck the place and he is usually hooking it some, on tv it appears that he is bowling in a phone booth. I was looking for insight on the subject, not the juvenile mud-slinging most of you are accustom to.
Mea Culpa
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Re: Barnes real problem
« Reply #19 on: February 04, 2008, 11:57:28 AM »
I don't think anybody in this thread was claiming to be a ball company rep or be an expert in the game.  Just voicing their opinions as Chris Barnes and the problems he's had on TV.  I never know expressing an opinion was such a horrible thing...its an opinion.

Was the sarcasm at the beginning of the post really that necessary?
University at Albany 2007
    -Let's Go Danes-

ROTO GRIP - King of Them All

Don't rationalize or objectively assess anything on this board, or else you run the risk of being a "know it all", "wanna-be ball rep" etc. Conversely, can I not say to some of you, what makes you a ball rep? Hook, is a relative term, where did I state that I correlate hook with talent? All I said is that I thing he should create some angle down lane that probably would have been a better way to get my point across. During the week, I have seen him wreck the place and he is usually hooking it some, on tv it appears that he is bowling in a phone booth. I was looking for insight on the subject, not the juvenile mud-slinging most of you are accustom to.
Mea Culpa

Just so you know I wasn't posting against you in that post.  I was actually asking Russell what the need was for so much sarcasm in his post.  I was wondering why he was being as sarcastic as he was towards other peoples opinions.
University at Albany 2007
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Re: Barnes real problem
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2008, 01:17:07 PM »
Ive said before I think he goes to straight on TV. Sometimes I think he could get an ok look inside and potentially in some situations not have to adjust at all---not all the time. I would love to see him go on a show and just say, you know what---screw it---Im gonna hook it today. Just because then he would take the "This is the right look" or "This is my A game". He can just make shots. Just a thought.
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Chris Green
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Re: Barnes real problem
« Reply #21 on: February 04, 2008, 08:16:32 PM »
I thought in the doubles match if there was any time to hook it was there. The Tournament of Champions played better straight. His line was more in on the Chameleon pattern and did not look good. I know he can hook it as much as Wes Malott, I have seen him in the past.

His roll has upsides and downsides. He generally can hit the pocket more then most the pros on tour however when they get tough he leaves a lot of 10 pins and 2 pins or a left side combo.


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Re: Barnes real problem
« Reply #22 on: February 04, 2008, 09:05:21 PM »
I thought in the doubles match if there was any time to hook it was there. The Tournament of Champions played better straight. His line was more in on the Chameleon pattern and did not look good. I know he can hook it as much as Wes Malott, I have seen him in the past.

His roll has upsides and downsides. He generally can hit the pocket more then most the pros on tour however when they get tough he leaves a lot of 10 pins and 2 pins or a left side combo.

Yeah they looked real good for Fagan playing in....

The artist formerly known as "jabroni"


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Re: Barnes real problem
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2008, 06:54:39 AM »
Could most of us beat him in a heads up match?  Probably not.  But that doesn't mean we can't theorize about what his problems on TV might or might not be.  Who knows, one or more of us might be right.

Personally I think he's gotten into a rut and like a baseball player in a slump, he's thinking about it too much.  He'll break out of it, he's too good not too.  

In the mean time, people are going to wonder why he struggles so much on TV...and I don't think its because people on this forum talk about him in these postings.
University at Albany 2007
    -Let's Go Danes-

ROTO GRIP - King of Them All

Edited on 2/5/2008 7:54 AM


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Re: Barnes real problem
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2008, 09:22:09 AM »
Barnes' problem is people posting this negative crap. He doesn't have anything wrong with his game besides not handling pressure well lately...He just needs to take some time off I think..but that's just my guess, maybe he's trying to work his way out of it..All I know is, everyone in this thread couldn't beat Barnes in a match in the first place so shut the pie holes..
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I can't beat Chris Barnes, but I can definitely beat you. So I'll shut my "pie-hole" when you stop consuming pie in bulk quantity.
Mea Culpa

Edited on 2/5/2008 11:08 AM
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Re: Barnes real problem
« Reply #25 on: February 05, 2008, 09:49:30 AM »
I think the only problem Barnes has, is where to spend all the money he makes. That aside, if you put yourself in position to win more than anyone else, you are going to come up short more than anyone else. He does seem to have the perchance to make the bonehead mistake form time to time. A split or not carrying is one thing, but flagging a single pin is something else.


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Re: Barnes real problem
« Reply #26 on: February 05, 2008, 10:05:23 AM »
I think hes just trying to go by the straighter is great thing and I dont know if thats best for him or not. I'm in the PBA league and its not easy getting in the pocket every shot, so I know these guys are great bowlers to bowl scores like they do and make it look easy, cause it ain'

I usually bowl about 220 or so on a THS and then the score drops down to 150's on these patterns, but thats my fault due to incosistant release.
MoRich bowling - Better take some Viagra, you don't want to go soft throwing a MoRich!


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Re: Barnes real problem
« Reply #27 on: February 05, 2008, 10:05:27 AM »
The funny thing is everyone on here is saying they think he chokes, or they think he plays too straight on TV, or his ball switch from Brunswick to Columbia may have caused it.

Have any of you ever bowled on a PBA pattern on TV?  My guess is no.  Until you do you have no idea if he is going too straight, or the ball is the problem, or he chokes or whatever.

Giving your opinion is great, but bashing one of the games all time greats by calling him a choker, or questioning his choice of angles is just stupid.

I mean, you don't think in the 60 minutes of practive that they get before the lights come on he tried to hook it to see what his reaction is?  I saw him do that in Vegas, and there was way too much over/under reaction.

As Norm Duke says. "Straighter is greater"


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Re: Barnes real problem
« Reply #28 on: February 05, 2008, 10:16:12 AM »
The funny thing is everyone on here is saying they think he chokes, or they think he plays too straight on TV, or his ball switch from Brunswick to Columbia may have caused it.

Have any of you ever bowled on a PBA pattern on TV?  My guess is no.  Until you do you have no idea if he is going too straight, or the ball is the problem, or he chokes or whatever.

Giving your opinion is great, but bashing one of the games all time greats by calling him a choker, or questioning his choice of angles is just stupid.

I mean, you don't think in the 60 minutes of practive that they get before the lights come on he tried to hook it to see what his reaction is?  I saw him do that in Vegas, and there was way too much over/under reaction.

As Norm Duke says. "Straighter is greater"

So since he is Chris Barnes, he is beyond questioning? Please, stop. Obviously something is wrong as he has displayed the ability to consistently fail in the clutch. I will be the first to tell you I'm not a very good bowler. But that in no way diminishes or lessens my opinion. Some of you ride his sack so hard that you cannot objectively look at things for what they are. He wants to go straight, fine. But when you cannot pry it off your hand in pressure situations and you are going straight, like Chris Barnes, bad things usually and have happened to him. Its called critical thinking, are you familiar with it?
Mea Culpa
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Re: Barnes real problem
« Reply #29 on: February 05, 2008, 11:08:02 AM »
I am familiar with it.  You say yourself you are not a very good bowler, yet you question the methods of one of the best in the world?  And yes if you ahven't been exposed to competition like that, what gives you the right to say he is doing something wrong?  Have you ever bowled in a PBA experience league?  Hooking it is great on the house shot, or even Cheetah or Viper, but this was a modified USBC Masters pattern.  Most of the higher scores that week were straight guys (Wes Malott excluded)  The big boomers did nothing, Sean Rash, Tommy Jones, Robert Smith.  Just look who made the show and who makes the show every week.  The straighter guys are more consistent than the hookers!!

and for the record I don't really have an opinion of him one way or the other. I admire his perserverence and his work ethic.  My Screen Name should tell you who I am a fan of.

Oh and for as many times as he has failed in the clutch, I am sure there are many more that he has came through on. So who are you to say he has failed more than he has succeeded with his straighter approach?

And for the record, the TOC one wasn't a choke in the last frame, but a really bad miss on the 10 pin, which EVERYONE has, he just had his on TV. how does that have anything to do with how straight he plays?

Just a little critical thinking for you.

Edited on 2/5/2008 12:10 PM


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Re: Barnes real problem
« Reply #30 on: February 05, 2008, 11:20:24 AM »
I've been apart of sport leagues and the gimmick "PBA Experience" leagues since their inceptions, thank you. Spin the topic however you want, what he is doing works during the week, but when he plays on the weekend he needs a new strategy. Again, my bowling prowess or lack there of does not deem my opinion void. With that being said, yes, I can call some things into question.
Mea Culpa
NLMB 150 Dream Team