The word is, on the balk before Machuga's last shot there was someone in the crowd coughing that made him pull up on the shot. He was already taking about 60-90 seconds to focus for each shot in the tenth. When he felt like it was the perfect time to go, he got caught in his backswing then had to regroup. Unfortunately, after he did on his last shot he pulled it a bit left and went through the face. I think he was playing the "What If" game on the shot he had to balk on.
It's a shame that every year in Carolier there seems to be some controversy in important matches all week and on the show from the stands. Wes seemed a bit bothered today by some crowd activity and claims on his last shot he heard something loud in the distance which caused him to short it on the release.
Last year Pete got heckled a bit in Carolier. A few years before, he and Wes both had some "fan interaction" on some important shots. It's starting to seem like Jersey is getting a bad stigma on tour.