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Author Topic: Bill Simmons..  (Read 10062 times)

10 In The Pit Pro Shop

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Bill Simmons..
« on: January 31, 2010, 03:10:24 AM »
Is it just me or this guy super annoying?
Ten In The Pit Pro Shop
-Located Inside Salt River Lanes in New Baltimore Mi-


Bill Thomas

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Re: Bill Simmons..
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2010, 02:10:55 PM »
I can't honestly fathom why they put the guy on the telecast.  He added nothing and as is obvious from the above posts irritated a lot of people.

I too thought the Storm commercial was great.


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Re: Bill Simmons..
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2010, 02:16:40 PM »
Randy is not a bad color guy. At least he has been there done that. The S and S comedy tour should go by the wayside. To watch Stone giggle like a little school girl when Randy said "high hard one." Seriously.... It's frustrating that Joe Q. Public thinks he can beat a pro by watching a tour telecast and they really don't know any different.


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Re: Bill Simmons..
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2010, 02:32:49 PM »
You guys need to get over yourselves...


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Re: Bill Simmons..
« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2010, 03:42:20 PM »
Mike J Laneside should be in the booth.
Macky Micky Mucky Mocky

Nobody outside of this community knows who Mike J Laneside is.

I don't know why the comments continue to roll in, because it's already been mentioned twice in the thread -- the PBA did this because Bill Simmons has an audience somewhere else. They're trying to bring that audience to bowling. Simmons gets incredible amounts of traffic on and his other ventures and it's likely more than a few people tuned in today to hear him and couldn't care less about the bowling.

If the objective is to increase audience numbers, this is the kind of thing you do. No, you don't bring Bill Simmons on to cater to the hardcore bowling audience. I think that should tell you what you need to know right there: ESPN is focusing on trying to grow the sport. If it pi**es off a bunch of hardcore bowlers, they don't care, because making the hardcores happy isn't going to grow the audience. Non-bowlers don't tune into the telecast to hear pithy banter about a sport they don't know much about.

As for the media buzz following Kulick, Stone mentioned they tried to get her on the show today and she had something else to do. She kind of took herself out of the picture, sounds like.


Uncle Crusty

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Re: Bill Simmons..
« Reply #20 on: January 31, 2010, 03:56:16 PM »
You guys need to get over yourselves...


I can't wait for the day when people are just happy bowling still has a TV slot instead of crying about every slip of the tongue, cstchphrase that isn't "pure," special guest in the booth, etc. If you guys expect the PBA telecast to cater to just hardcore bowlers and include nothing but technical analysis, you clearly don't realize that ratings come from casual bowlers and non-bowlers. Simmons is hilarious (I'm from New England, so I'm biased), and I'd much rather listen to some guy crack jokes and improve ratings than listen to two stiffs talk about thumb pitches and ball surfaces and PAPs for 90 straight minutes.
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Re: Bill Simmons..
« Reply #21 on: January 31, 2010, 04:00:36 PM »
I didn't mind that Bill was on the telecast. I mostly watch to see what equipment is being used and how the Pros play the lanes and make their moves. Randy does a pretty good job at explaining the technical side. Rob tries to add some humor. Overall it isn't like when Chris Schenkel or Bo Burton were doing it but, it's OK. (My opinion)

I have enjoyed seeing some new faces make the telecasts and win. Nice job today Michael Fagan.
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Re: Bill Simmons..
« Reply #22 on: January 31, 2010, 04:05:00 PM »
But calling Walter Ray a Power bowler?????
Ebonite born---Ebonite bred-----if they sell out I'll be Ebonite dead

Uncle Crusty

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Re: Bill Simmons..
« Reply #23 on: January 31, 2010, 04:10:45 PM »
But calling Walter Ray a Power bowler?????

So? Did that bother you that much? The world knows he's not a bowler, he was there for entertainment. And if you could see through every nitpicky mistake and error, you'd see that he was entertaining.
"Nobody in the game of football should be called a genius. A genius is somebody like Norman Einstein."

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Re: Bill Simmons..
« Reply #24 on: January 31, 2010, 04:38:31 PM »
But calling Walter Ray a Power bowler?????

So what???


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Re: Bill Simmons..
« Reply #25 on: January 31, 2010, 04:47:23 PM »
lol Thought it was humorous thats all--Im a new Englander too so I know where u come from and I was rooting for him to know his stuff but oh well
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Re: Bill Simmons..
« Reply #26 on: January 31, 2010, 04:47:25 PM »
Looking at the promos for NO, I don't think I will watch live.  I HATE celebrity events.  Don't watch celebrity golf or celebrity bowling.  What they showed in the promo with Chris Paul sliding down the lane is just stupid.  

Other than that, hated to see PDW crash and burn in the tournament named after his dad.
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Re: Bill Simmons..
« Reply #27 on: January 31, 2010, 05:58:59 PM »
While I agree Simmons doesn't know a lot about bowling, it's nice to have a big sports personality that will actually go to a tournament and sit in the booth.  Jim Rome uses his show to personally attack bowling yet Simmons actually comes on trying to help the sport and you guys all bash him.  He even had Stone on his podcast on ESPN and they talked bowling for 15 minutes.  

Also, it was Stone's idea for Simmons not to do any homework on his podcast.  Simmons said there were two ways he could go, either study really hard for the broadcast or since he was the 3rd person in the booth, go in cold and ask randy questions that someone that isn't a serious bowler would be asking.  Stone told him it would be better to go in cold and ask questions so don't put all the blame on Simmons.  At least he did something for bowling which is a lot more than most others.


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Re: Bill Simmons..
« Reply #28 on: January 31, 2010, 06:00:18 PM »
Is it just me or this guy super annoying?
Ten In The Pit Pro Shop
-Located Inside Salt River Lanes in New Baltimore Mi-

A waste of air. I prefer Stone and Pederson by themselves or another bowler in the booth.
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Re: Bill Simmons..
« Reply #29 on: January 31, 2010, 06:23:03 PM »
But calling Walter Ray a Power bowler?????

So? Did that bother you that much? The world knows he's not a bowler, he was there for entertainment. And if you could see through every nitpicky mistake and error, you'd see that he was entertaining.
"Nobody in the game of football should be called a genius. A genius is somebody like Norman Einstein."

-Broadcasting Extraordinaire and Mensa Member Joe Theismann

but the people who tuned in to see "Bill Simmons" and trust his judgment, do not know that!


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Re: Bill Simmons..
« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2010, 06:23:35 PM »
You guys that say so what are missing the point. Football has tried this gimmick with Miller and has failed.

When I tune into a sporting event I want to hear intelligent and insightful commentary. Not guys yucking it up being stupid.

Now if you can accomplish both then great but I turn bowling on to see bowling...not some half-azzed comedy act.

Whatever happened to Duke, Voss, or Barnes as the third booth man? Those shows were great.