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Author Topic: Blunt talk from young PBA star on 2012-13 schedule  (Read 25887 times)


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Blunt talk from young PBA star on 2012-13 schedule
« on: July 02, 2012, 08:08:58 AM »
The 11th Frame: Changes for PBA Tour's 2012-13 season don't alter tough bottom line for players



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Re: Blunt talk from young PBA star on 2012-13 schedule
« Reply #31 on: July 10, 2012, 07:46:54 AM »
This was second hand from bowl expo last year. Not saying all pros are this way but that many have this mind set that they don't have to promote themselves or their sport. Anyone that says otherwise based on their personal experiences the past few years I'm sure will come forward. How about you name all of the players you don't think this applies to and then we can go from there.

Anyone been to any of the select PBA Tour stops can probably chip in there experiences.

This is truly comical. You have second hand crap with no personal knowledge of any of the accusations you make.

Without second hand knowledge, you say this: "many have this mind set that they don't have to promote themselves or their sport"

I know of NO Tour players with this mindset. All the ones I know go out of their way busting their tails trying to do what they can to boost a disintegrating sport and PBA.

You offer baseless absolute garbage.


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Re: Blunt talk from young PBA star on 2012-13 schedule
« Reply #32 on: July 10, 2012, 08:11:42 AM »
Why have professional bowlers not organized internally to speak out about and address issues that effect their profession?  They stand to loose the most. They need to lobby to protect thei own interest. The PBA and USBC have interst that in many ways conflict with the professional bowers' interest.

I think that is the point that the poster is trying to make. 


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Re: Blunt talk from young PBA star on 2012-13 schedule
« Reply #33 on: July 10, 2012, 08:23:49 AM »
I don't think that is the point the poster is making at all. He is smearing the reputations of PBA players with nothing more than hearsay with ZERO sourcing.

It's absolute garbage.

And I can't speak for why there is not some sort of players' union today as I am not a touring pro and have not been since the 1980s.

There was one when I was on Tour then and it fought the PBA for additional freedom to bowl events that PBA did not organize. The players' group at that time had opportunities that PBA quite foolishly fought instead of embracing and endorsing. Not a lot of great vision in the PBA at that time -- all about protecting turf that eventually shrank after expansion opportunities were fought over. Sigh.

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Blunt talk from young PBA star on 2012-13 schedule
« Reply #34 on: July 10, 2012, 10:33:13 PM »
Its not really fair, Mr. Riggs, that you can come on here, not name any names, basically say what you want to say with no real proof to back it up, and then jump down the throat of people when they voice their opinion doing essentially the same thing when you blog.  Bad form, sir, bad form indeed.   What did you do but just repeat what some unknown source told you and then you expect us to treat it as the gospel.  Bloggers really are the pits.
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Blunt talk from young PBA star on 2012-13 schedule
« Reply #35 on: July 10, 2012, 10:49:23 PM »
Long Gone .... where did Riggs come on here and not name any names with no 'real' proof to back it up?  If you are a journalist, the person who you interview can request to have their name not mentioned.  Which is what Riggs mentioned in his article/blog that the bowler did not want their name to be mentioned.  So Mr. Riggs, keep blogging away.  It's not like you are a journalist protecting your 'source'. (sarcasm off now)


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Re: Blunt talk from young PBA star on 2012-13 schedule
« Reply #36 on: July 11, 2012, 06:18:52 AM »
Its not really fair, Mr. Riggs, that you can come on here, not name any names, basically say what you want to say with no real proof to back it up, and then jump down the throat of people when they voice their opinion doing essentially the same thing when you blog.  Bad form, sir, bad form indeed.   What did you do but just repeat what some unknown source told you and then you expect us to treat it as the gospel.  Bloggers really are the pits.

It is NOT essentially the same thing to come on a message board and spout HEARSAY with zero sourcing and no identifying information on anything you reference. Especially when you hide beyond an anonymous screen name and I openly identify myself.

I have been a working journalist since 1980 and have that background to stand on for credibility in what I write. People can judge me based on that track record. You don't even identify yourself. I cited my source who I spoke to directly (not second hand) and identified the person in enough detail for people to digest what that person said.

In addition, there is no generalized, negative accusation directed at the character and actions of a group of people (or even any one person) in what this bowler said.

He was merely providing his informed view of the PBA, which BTW is widely shared by many.

There is NOTHING similar about what you did on this message board and what I did in my blog.

Again, you have provided nothing more than baseless, second hand hearsay that is absolute garbage that attacks the character and reputation of every PBA touring pro.

Even if my blog was totally in error -- which it is not -- it would not change the horrid nature of your postings.

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Blunt talk from young PBA star on 2012-13 schedule
« Reply #37 on: July 11, 2012, 04:21:57 PM »
First of all, chump, it wasn't me who posted anything about hearsay at Bowl Expo, that was Kidlost.

Secondly, big deal, you put a name to a blog you write.  I don't care one bit about that, you can make anything up that you want and write it, and we have no way of knowing it is true or not.  Sit down with a recorder, transcribe the conversation, identify your source.  If you can't do that, what you write is nothing more than "hearsay" when you get right down to it.

Third, who the hell are you, Track fanatic?  Riggs' publicist?  He attacked another poster who posted things he heard at a bowling show.  I thought and think it was out of line.
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Blunt talk from young PBA star on 2012-13 schedule
« Reply #38 on: July 11, 2012, 09:05:32 PM »
My apologies for erring in confusing you and kidlost! My bad!

More important, I can not make anything up and print it. At least not if I want to keep the employer I've had for decades. You see I am a "real" journalist - an editor and reporter for Capital Newspapers (the Wisconsin State Journal and The Capital Times of Madison, WI). Our main website is Anyone could complain to my bosses about my blog, questioning the veracity of what I publish and I would be obligated to prove to them (my bosses) that what I report is true ... in this case that I have a message exchange with a young PBA Tour star, which I do - it is saved in my Facebook account. (No one can see it and know who it is but my bosses because I promised to protect the identity of the bowler for obvious reasons.)

My blog was for the first few years on our newspaper website, and while it's now on its own site I still am bound by the rules of traditional journalism and ultimately must answer to my bosses as to my journalistic practices.

If you wish to question my blog in this case I will furnish you contact info for my bosses. Believe me I have 32 years in this business that I would not throw away for any story.

Also FYI when I do do interviews I always transcribe them with a recorder ... unless there is some reason for it not to be possible. Always have, always will. Want to get it RIGHT!!!!


Adding this morning this link so you can see that when I do make an error I correct it and note that I made the correction.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 06:55:58 AM by riggs »

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Blunt talk from young PBA star on 2012-13 schedule
« Reply #39 on: July 12, 2012, 08:07:16 AM »
Point is, you have an opinion.  You write your opinion in a blog.  Posters on here have opinions.  They post them on here instead of a blog.  Don't go off on somebody just because they say something that doesn't agree with your unnamed source.  Does anybody doubt what Kidlost said.  Probably not, its evident to everybody that PBA members do not go out and actively promote the PBA Tour.  Do they hold clinics?  Yep, when they get paid.  Do they do charity events?  Yep, but the fact that they are a PBA member gets forgotten very quickly.  Sorry you didn't care for the message in some posts but that doesn't make the message any less valid.  Now you run along and go blog away.
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Blunt talk from young PBA star on 2012-13 schedule
« Reply #40 on: July 12, 2012, 08:15:46 AM »
Point is, you have an opinion.  You write your opinion in a blog.  Posters on here have opinions.  They post them on here instead of a blog.  Don't go off on somebody just because they say something that doesn't agree with your unnamed source.  Does anybody doubt what Kidlost said.  Probably not, its evident to everybody that PBA members do not go out and actively promote the PBA Tour.  Do they hold clinics?  Yep, when they get paid.  Do they do charity events?  Yep, but the fact that they are a PBA member gets forgotten very quickly.  Sorry you didn't care for the message in some posts but that doesn't make the message any less valid.  Now you run along and go blog away.


Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Blunt talk from young PBA star on 2012-13 schedule
« Reply #41 on: July 12, 2012, 10:03:20 AM »
Yeah, I'm doing the same thing.  You're so full of yourself that it is hysterical.  :o
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Blunt talk from young PBA star on 2012-13 schedule
« Reply #42 on: July 12, 2012, 10:19:34 AM »
This is not about me. This is about an anonymous Internet troll who made completely unattributed accusations based on hearsay with zero evidence against PBA touring pros who bust their tails trying to scratch out a living.

And then another anonmyous Internet troll like yourself defends the guy and attacks me.

You want full of myself? I'm a United States Bowling Congress Hall of Famer who has won more than a dozen awards for my reporting/writing in 30-plus years as a working journalist. I put my name and reputation behind everything I publish and I post on message boards with full disclosure as to who I am.

Why don't you tell us who you are?

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Blunt talk from young PBA star on 2012-13 schedule
« Reply #43 on: July 12, 2012, 11:12:50 AM »
Like I said, full of yourself.  Remind me of Mighty Fish

This is not about me. This is about an anonymous Internet troll who made completely unattributed accusations based on hearsay with zero evidence against PBA touring pros who bust their tails trying to scratch out a living.

And then another anonmyous Internet troll like yourself defends the guy and attacks me.

You want full of myself? I'm a United States Bowling Congress Hall of Famer who has won more than a dozen awards for my reporting/writing in 30-plus years as a working journalist. I put my name and reputation behind everything I publish and I post on message boards with full disclosure as to who I am.

Why don't you tell us who you are?
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.



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Re: Blunt talk from young PBA star on 2012-13 schedule
« Reply #44 on: July 12, 2012, 11:20:40 AM »
As I figured, like all anonymous Internet trolls = too afraid to identify yourself and stand behind your statements. Typical.

Long Gone Daddy

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Re: Blunt talk from young PBA star on 2012-13 schedule
« Reply #45 on: July 12, 2012, 12:15:37 PM »
Yeah, and as I have said of you, totally full of himself and his opinons as your last two posts have indicated.  Love how you prove my point with the following post....

"This is not about me. This is about an anonymous Internet troll who made completely unattributed accusations based on hearsay with zero evidence against PBA touring pros who bust their tails trying to scratch out a living.

And then another anonmyous Internet troll like yourself defends the guy and attacks me.

You want full of myself? I'm a United States Bowling Congress Hall of Famer who has won more than a dozen awards for my reporting/writing in 30-plus years as a working journalist. I put my name and reputation behind everything I publish and I post on message boards with full disclosure as to who I am."

Who really gives two sh#ts what kind of "awards" you have?  I'll put any article by the late Matt Fiorito up against what you write any day of the week.  Fact is, and will always be, Kidlost posted something that he had heard at a trade show that validates what a lot of people already think of the Tour members.  Perhaps you know of some secret plans they have to barnstorm the country and tout the Tour stops and WSOB, but I doubt it.  Like I said, go run along and do your little blogging thing.  Its been at least twenty minutes since you last patted yourself on the back and told yourself how great you are.
Long Gone also posts the honest truth which is why i respect him. He posts these things knowing some may not like it.
