I disagree Bob, and the reason is because the dull particle DOES still serve a purpose, other than the "shot-destroyer" We know they work well to combat floods, and certain times you need them, either due to wall to wall flood or due to having to play in a heavier oil line to stay out of the main track.
Why should we punish a stroker who needs a duller ball on certain patterns? Really what needs to be done, is don't let the bowlers bowl on the same lanes every game. Most tourneys require you to change lanes after games so there is no time to set up a "defense shot"
On the telecast they already have practice lanes set up for the bowlers waiting their turn, so why not just limit the number of throws a person has on the tv lanes. 2 throws a piece, max.
I doubt it could be enforced or there may not be a scale to measure it, but maybe limit the grit that a ball can be sanded to. Make 600 the minimum grit, or something like that. Sanding a ball to 240 or whatever is stupid.
D <~~~~ Used to be terrible wiffing 10 pins. Now through much practice, can wiff any single pin spare at any time.

Darrell Guzman
guzmand19 - Yahoo IM and MSN screen names