I bowled the PTQ this week and saw the guy who shot 98. While I felt bad for him, it made me feel better that my 168 in Game 1 wasn't the worst effort out there. I am friends with a senior regional pro who shot something like an 86 in PBA action, and this guy has cashed in some Tour events. Sometimes everything just goes wrong all at the same time.
On an interesting side note, the TV pair was the pair that I started on. I feel slightly better about my 168 after seeing TJ shoot 167. lol. The condition really seemed to play the same as it did during the PTQ.
I started off trying to play the line that B. Angelo played. He seemed to fight the same problems I did. If he got the ball in a pinch or was just a smidge slow, through the nose. If you got the ball wide or slightly fast, wash-out city. You really had to be precise with speed and revs to make that line work.
I actually went deeper, though not as deep as PDW, TJ, and Shafer were going, during the rest of the set and had a much better look.
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 345 : )

I provide the muscle for the Fellowship of the Saws