"I know mine does if I free up my swing". There you have it. Says everything I had guessed about your game and now you confirmed it. You don't want to listen to anybody and you don't want to believe what you see with your own eyes.
"I'm what's wrong with bowling"? I can rev it up when I need to, I can tone it down when I need to. I can hook it twenty boards and I can throw it dead straight. I can even back the ball up. I can change my axis tilt at will. I do some coaching at the high school level. What do you do? Here's what you do.....you roll into your local house with your eight ball totes. Instead of trying to figure out what the pattern on the lanes are, you just stand on twenty and start firing balls at a break point at the five board until you find a ball that will make the turn and get to the pocket. You'll spend so much time worrying if you have the right ball in your hand you won't even notice when the lanes break down. You'll just shell up or shell down and curse the fact that can't carry the corner pins. When you miss the ten pin due to your "fail safe" method of changing your delivery, you'll blame the lane man for putting down a shot that "nobody" can score on. "Man, if I hadn't a left that one ball out of my "arsenal" at home, I'd have won today."
Yeah, you're the future of bowling and everything that is going to "save" the sport, all right. I take the money out of the pocket of guys like you in league, tourney's, and pot games.
Your ego won't even let you admit that the phenomenon of shooting straight at single pins only began about twenty years ago. What was the reason for doing that? Oh, that's right, it was to take lane conditions out of the equation when converting those spares. A ball that is rolling with 0 axis tilt and 0 axis of rotation will go straight no matter how "many boards it is crossing", thereby negating your modern conditions argument. Physics are physics and it's the younger bowlers ignorance of them that is turning the modern game into a joke.
So summing it up, you're wrong. History shows you're wrong, physics shows you're wrong, and current results shows you're wrong.
Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand. I, I believe in love.