From the current or recent rosters, if you could pick five or six bowlers to make up a "dream stepladder," which five would you pick?
Here's mine, and I'm not necessarily saying these are my favorite bowlers; I'm just saying I think it would make for interesting TV. I went with the rare six-man stepladder just because I couldn't make up my mind who to leave out.

1. Norm Duke -- Got to have norm here, because of his versatility and what he does for a telecast.
2. Pete Weber -- If straighter is greater with Norm Duke, then we need someone who can banana-ball it. Plus there's no greater showman on TV on a Sunday.
3. Dale or David Traber -- Old-school, straight-pipe shooter to balance against all the "new styles" seen in the other positions. Plus, it gets a guy that looks like me onto the telecast. (g)
4. Sean Rash -- Total contrast to the Trabers style-wise, plus he's displayed great charisma so far in his TV appearances.
5. Rudy Kasimakis -- Not only do you get a guy currently out of the exempt field trying to force his way in, love him or hate him, you can't deny how powerful his shot is. And if he got dialed in, look out.
6. Jeff Carter -- If for no other reason, we'd get to read all about it on his blog. (g)
You can sub Tommy Jones or Jason Couch for Rash, or Eugene McCune for the Trabers, or Del Ballard for either the Trabers or Rudy, or Walter Ray for Duke, etc. I'm going for a mix of styles, storylines and drama.
Edited on 1/26/2007 9:20 AM