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Author Topic: Chameleon championship telecast  (Read 1104 times)


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Chameleon championship telecast
« on: November 23, 2009, 08:00:35 AM »
This was an interesting telecast to say the least. Sean Rash looked horrible...reminded me of a early 90's cranker that would have a great tournament and couldn't hit the side of the barn. Wasn't really all impressed with Russell either but had some quality shots.
My beef was with the second match...or lack of it! So WHAT if Amleto was hurt. They did a good job on telling about it and showing how it happened but where was the freakin match on tv with O'Neill. Another problem with tape delayed touranments is the PBA can show you what they think you want to see. If this was live they would have showed this match. Just because Amleto was hurt and had a bunch of open frames and may have been hard to watch doesn't mean you should show 1 minute of the match and go to commerical. Lousy job PBA.
As for the title match if O'Neill couldn't beat Russell for that title then who knows when or if never would get a title. Russell was not prepared at all for the situation it looked like even with a struggling shot out there. Congrats to Bill for the first win.



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Re: Chameleon championship telecast
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2009, 04:31:49 PM »
I wish my "not prepared at all" could still throw 192 on TV on a difficult Chameleon...


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Re: Chameleon championship telecast
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2009, 04:31:54 PM »
"Sean Rash looked horrible...reminded me of a early 90's cranker that would have a great tournament and couldn't hit the side of the barn."

No, Sean didn't look focused. I know that feeling but don't have the excuse of the lights and cameras. In the last frame he "should have asked for a re-rack, because he really didn't look settled down enough to throw a money shot." After leaving the 3-6-9-10 he clearly didn't add up the score and realize he needed count, and not going for the outside edge pickup. It was unusual enough to see the whiff from a PBA player that my wife who was walked through the room said: "Did you see that, he missed them all, you almost always pick up that spare." I grunted something about my inconsistent first shot and lots of practice on odd spares - LOL


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Re: Chameleon championship telecast
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2009, 04:51:31 PM »
That telecast did nothing to enhance the image of the PBA. Everyone but Shannon looked like league bowlers because of the inexcusably bad lane conditions.


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Re: Chameleon championship telecast
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2009, 09:19:17 PM »
and more of the problem with bowling is exposed.

The pattern combined with the surface was incredibly brutal.  They are human and it was a tough condition...nice to see them have to make really good shots to strike.

Not showing the 2nd match was good...who wants to watch a HOF'r hurt shoot 140?

Another week...another thread b***hing about the telecast.
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Re: Chameleon championship telecast
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2009, 11:05:38 PM »
yes russell did lose and he did miss two spares. but give him a little credit here he threw a 3 bagger at the end of the game to make oneill show up on an extremely difficult shot. but oneill deserves it by stepping up the way he did
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Re: Chameleon championship telecast
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2009, 11:24:56 PM »
Are any of you guys happy about anything? Seriously you whine when they have a normal telecast, whine when their is scoring, whine when their is grind out games, whine when they change format, whine when they try new things.

Sounds like a bunch of girls.
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Re: Chameleon championship telecast
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2009, 12:00:34 AM »
No - we just whine when the PBA takes the franchise down the toilet and the USBC is spending our money moving across country to duplicate what they already had, while providing LESS to the bowlers - nice thing about nonprofit organizations is that they do pay good salaries


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Re: Chameleon championship telecast
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2009, 11:29:56 AM »
i missed it sunday... have been lookn for it on youtube with no success... and from what iv been hear'n, kinda glad i didnt see it on tv!!  lol