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Author Topic: Cheetah ?!?!  (Read 1563 times)


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Cheetah ?!?!
« on: November 01, 2005, 12:26:23 AM »
Just watched the show from Sunday last night..... all know I'm a total house-hack....but what's up with that DRY breakpoint spot on the cheetah pattern ?!? It looked HUGE! and....from the 2 board !!

I'm not saying it would be easy .... but come on!

Anyone else ? Thoughts, opinions ?
"...each anothers audience outside the gilded cage.."

Edited on 11/1/2005 9:18 AM



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Re: Cheetah ?!?!
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2005, 08:32:38 AM »
I watched the show on Sunday morning too.
I was amazed at the breakpoint down the lane (probably 45-50 feet down the lane) at around the outside boards (2-4 I'm guessing).
Wow, those guys were bouncing it off there consistently.

Sidenote: Didn't they use the Cheetah pattern earlier this year when Parker Bohn had the first 10 against Robert Smith to win the Title?
Robert Smith Played the gutter, but didn't have the same luxury as these guys this past Sunday. If this was the same pattern, I'm guessing lane surface makes a difference?

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Re: Cheetah ?!?!
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2005, 09:47:54 AM »
From PBA webiste if you haven't seen it.

" Cheetah measures 35 feet in length and is the shortest of the five patterns. Sometimes used on lane surfaces that are well worn, it tries to maximize the area on the lane with less wear, which is usually extemely close to the gutter. Because of this, players tend to migrate toward those spots to take advantage of the more pristine surface areas. The cheetah is exciting for its ability to allow players to make "risk-reward" decisions based on playing near the gutter. The scoring pace is normally medium to high for this pattern.

Champions on Cheetah include:
TBD (PBA Tulsa Championship - Tulsa, OK)
TBD (PBA Southern Classic - Trussville, AL)
TBD (PBA GEICO Classic - Cheektowaga, NY)"

Cheetah is old PBA E pattern.  Both old A and E play out towards gutter.  Yes, lane conditions are factored into type of lane surface that is going to be played on.  Notice this isn't a long pattern 35' at the break point.  Most players use 25 or 45 deg. layouts that arc for a controllable break point.  This will let you play outside without the ball going to long...breaking to late.  High rev players use shorter pin to PAP distances for better control.  Speed control is paramount.



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Re: Cheetah ?!?!
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2005, 01:27:44 PM »
It's still a test of their skill.  It's not a stand left and throw right pattern.  You must get the ball to the correct breakpoint  with the correct speed, etc.  If you don't, you won't score.  Look what happended when Chris Branes got the ball out little early, through the beak.  Regarless of how easy they made it look, have you house put it out and watch the bowlers whine and complain when they can't score on it.


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Re: Cheetah ?!?!
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2005, 02:44:16 PM »
I totally agree with you cgilyeat.


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Re: Cheetah ?!?!
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2005, 09:40:43 AM »
Look what happended when Chris Branes got the ball out little early, through the beak..............

STR--Both Wolfe and Barnes chose to play more right with their feet <break point area was same> than Jones and Malott.  But, they also used a bit more speed and diferent release more up the back of the ball than the other two who were playing more left with their feet and came more around the ball.  IMO...Barnes didn't get it out to early or did Wolfe for that matter when both went thru the nose.  I believe they came more around the side of ball on those mistakes got more tilt/revs therefore more backend and the ball did not lay off.  To me it was a release slight speed mistake not trajectory...but that's me.

I for one even on Cheetah or old PBA E equate a easy THS the same as this pattern.  I will agree this is the easiest of the PBA patterns and do believe as you do that the PBA does come with this type of pattern to inflate scores so the masses will be entertained.  

How many times have we all heard after a 190-188 match win....."geez" I can bowl that good".  Not on that pattern buddy!



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Re: Cheetah ?!?!
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2005, 09:55:36 AM »
When you have about 7 boards at a break point playing 15 to 1-2, it's a stand left throw right wall...

Don't forget that it's only 35 feet.  And the lanes are usually pretty clean on the backend when the game starts.  If you're targeting 40-45 feet at the breakpoint like TJ or Wes, that's 5-10 feet the oil has to carry down (in only two or three games with two bowlers on a pair) before the backends have any oil to speak of.  Of course there's gonna be a lot of breaking at the 1-2 board.  Letting the ball break at the 10 board would leave everything but the 4, 7, and 8.



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Re: Cheetah ?!?!
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2005, 09:42:20 PM »
They had the pattern set up on some lanes at owasso before the tour got there. I threw on the pattern and believe this you still had to make shots. You might get the ball to get back to the pocket easy but carrying was another issue. I threw 3 different lines. Best shot I had was up 7. If I bumped the dry (1,2,3)the speed and rotation had to be correct or the ball checked quick. And hooking the ball...just wasn't there. By the way I am not a pro but a decent bowler. I see nothing wrong with this pattern. I think it is good pattern to throw in after bowling on tougher patterns. A good pattern to kick off the season.


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Re: Cheetah ?!?!
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2005, 09:50:46 PM »
Ok to prove that Cheetah and a THS aren't the same, oil both patterns on side by side pairs.   Take a weker ball, such as the V2 Dry, play 7 to 3 at the breakpoint on Cheetah, then try it on the THS.  Cheetah you will hit the pocket, and the THS will cross over, and maybe not even hit the headpin on the cross.  Now take out sumthing stronger on the THS, and play 15 to 10.  You can miss right and have recovery and miss left and watch the ball sit pretty.  Try the same line on the cheetah pattern, and I bet my life you do not strike with the same ball and same release.  My point is that a sport pattern is a sport pattern.  Some people will match up to the shorter pattern and some to a longer.  I just got home from practicing on 2 different sport patterns, 1 long and oily, and the other short and lighter in volume.  I personally match up to the longer pattern, and would compete with a lot of bowlers out there on it.  But the shorter pattern is more my downfall.  Sport patterns is all about making shots and executing, no matter how "easy" the pro's make it look, IT'S NOT EASY.  What happened when Tommy missed in 3-4 boards in the first game, big ugly nasty split.  Do that on a house pattern and you will still strike or not even hit flush because of the puddle put there.  Sport is sport and some patterns are easier than others, but they are not as easy at a THS.  And the Pro's really are that good, don't kid yourself and think otherwise.  They are the best on the planet, and will cmompete with anyone in the world.
*Erie Community College bowling*

Buffalo bowlers are the best all around in the country.

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