Congrats to Barnes on his win---he's still a choker. But by saying that, here is a thought....
Mika choked twice---2 4 board tugs when he only needed a mark.
To be fair, as great as Simard threw it---he needed only a mark in match 1. I mentioned to my dad, with the angle he develops, he could easily leave a 3-4-6-7-10---or something like that. Of course he goes up and leaves only a 3 pin on a big miss in. Could have been the same baby split Mika left---then he caught the very inside of the 3 pin on the spare.
Then in the finals, he makes 1 great shot. Then again---pulls the ears off one and does leave the baby split. Simard made a good showing---not great. He may throw it great and get a "mitt-full" (If I had to hear that one more time...) but his showing was adequate. He made some good adjustments---but he is a professional, thats what he's supposed to do.
There you go, theres some equal opportunity bashing. Malott was hooking it too much. I know that surface hooks, but his equipment just puked when he asked it to hook a little more. There I hit everyone.
Only Losers Feel Pressure